Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Deepest Hatred

My Deepest Hatred

I hate you
Honestly, I cannot stand looking at you
You have become a pain in my ass
You don’t listen to me
You do whatever you want to do
Whenever you want to do it
You destroy my life
My work and my soul
I am so sorry we ever met
True, we have been close for so long
You have been my best friend
Ever since the moment you came into my life
Now, I would love to get rid of you
Throw you in the trash where you belong
Get you out of my life
I want to once again play games with you
Share my poetry and stories with you
To spend so many hours looking at funny cat videos
But, that time is over
Your keyboard doesn’t work the way it should
You mousepad is totally brain damaged
And even your grammar check doesn’t work
I am tired of you and Best Buy is having a sale
So you are gone
Left out on the stairs so someone else can have you
Maybe you’ll behave for them
All the while I play with my new best friend
A two terabyte angel
With a nineteen inch screen
And a wireless keyboard
I could say that I will miss you, but I won’t
So all I will say is goodbye
And you will be gone
Your battery will be dead
But you will not be mine

So, I couldn’t care less.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Unknown Soldier

The Unknown Soldier

So many thousands have died
So many needless wars
Every land in the world has one
A man who died
Fighting for his country
No one will ever know his name
How he died
Where he took his last breath
Still, he is honored
Never forgotten
He lies in a cold crypt
Alone with no family coming to mourn him
He rests
His soul looking down from Heaven
He knows that someone, somewhere loves him
Even though they don’t know where he is
They mourn for him
Even though they do not know that he was a hero
He is The Unknown Soldier
And, after all these years
He is a national hero
Someone to be respected and honored

Even if no one knows his name

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Distant Storm

The Distant Storm

Let the wind blow
Let the rain fall
Let the lightning strike
We have taken paradise
The paradise God had given us
Raped the land
Killed His creatures for sport
Poisoned the life-giving water
Made the air yellow with our wastes
Turned His paradise into our Hell
He is angry at what we have done
He has waited so long to say “that’s enough”
Let him rage
Let His anger be seen by all
Take the warnings from the sky
Let the wind blow
Let the rain fall
Let the lightning strike
Just remember what it means
He is angry
He is tired of the man He created
And it is His way of telling us to stop
Before He does it for us

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Steel Door

The Steel Door

The back of a bar
Garbage cans
Empty kegs
Passed out drunks
And an alley that goes nowhere
A closed steel door leads to the stage
I can hear the music as a band plays
The beautiful sound of Jamaican Reggae
If I had just a couple dollars
Maybe I could buy a beer inside
But my pockets are empty
Not a penny to my name
So I listen through the door
My mind imagines the band
The bar patrons dancing
Glasses of golden paradise being served
Yet, here I sit
A wooden pallet as my barstool
A few drops of gin from a bottle
Dropped by a homeless man who passed by
That will be my Friday night
And many more Friday nights to come
At least until I can get a couple dollars

And I can make it to the other side of that steel door.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Let Me Read To You

Let Me Read To You

Let me read to you
Tell you the stories my mother told me
Hear the words I read
Let your mind wander
Seeing the world of fairies and angels
Princesses and heroes
Learn that love really exists
The hope is in everything
Let me read to you as you fall asleep
So you may dream of happiness
And the nightmares will be kept away
Let me read to you
Because I love you and I want you to be happy
So that you may write your own fairy tales
And you will read them to your children

So, let me read to you

Monday, October 6, 2014



The world is crumbling around you
Everything you knew is gone
Your mummy and daddy
In graves a city away
Taken from you for no reason
Other than the anger of others
Hang on little one
There are lights in your future
You can see them in your eyes
In the eyes of the puppy you hold
Someday the anger will end
Your world will again be happy
But for now love your puppy
Hold it tight to your chest
Treasure it as you would your life
It will always be there for you
Filled with the love you lost
My dream is that you name it Hope
Because that is what you need right now
You need to hold onto Hope

As long as you can

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...