Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A New World

A New World

There is an epic war
Waged for all of time
Man is the enemy
Fighting and killing
Destroying everything in sight
His weapons are concrete and steel
With glass so he can see his victories
He claims he wants to make the world better
Make it more livable for his children
He loves the towers he creates
All of the streets which run everywhere
And yet, go nowhere
He forces the plants to live in preserves
Giving the animals less and less room
But, even in the havens he grants to nature
He encroaches and destroys
With all his forethought he doesn't know
Someday, after he is gone
After he had returned to the dirt from where he came
The asphalt borders he had erected
The temples he built to worship progress will fall
They will crumble to dust
And the trees and animals he imprisoned will rise
They will climb to where man had been
They will grow and live in the debris
Nature will reclaim the world which was stolen
It will make everything right

And the world will begin anew

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