Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Writer’s Lament

The Writer’s Lament

We are authors and poets
And we have all done it
Over and over again
Without learning our lesson
Coming up with an idea
When we sleep
When we eat
Or when we sit on the toilet
Then mere seconds later
We try to write our masterpiece
And the words are gone
The idea died in the shortest of time
Now, we live with pen and paper
A notebook
A store receipt
Anything we can write upon
We write our words down
Or maybe we just write a code
Anything to remind us of what we want to say
Then and only then we sit at our screens
And we write
That is our lives
Writing once and then again

Just to make sure our words are not lost

Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Child's Art

A Child’s Art

I don’t want to go to any museums
I don’t care about the Mona Lisa
Or any work by Pablo Picasso
The works of the masters just don’t cut it
So, don’t make me look at Van Gogh
Just let me watch a child with a crayon
Watch their imagination flow onto the page
They are the true masters of the art world
Pureness, unspoiled by the images of others
Encourage them
Tell them how beautiful their work is
Hang it proudly on your fridge door
Keep it all your life
Then you can embarrass them when they create

When then paint their own Mona Lisa

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Standing On The Edge

Standing On The Edge

I go to the edge every day
Sometimes it is just to enjoy the warm breeze
Other times I look down into the depths
Watching the birds gliding into the fog
In and out of the mists they play
I think about jumping to see how they feel
But, I talk myself out of it
I was not made to enjoy such pleasure
Still, I have so many questions
Why did God create such beauty
Who were the first people to see what I see
And what did they feel
But there is one question I have above all
I ask it every time I stand on the edge of this cliff
Maybe someday someone will tell me
What is on the other side

And how can I get there

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Death Of The Australian Farmer

The Death Of The Australian Farmer

Your family settled the farm
Bought the land
Built houses and barns
Raised crops for food
On the land you thought you owned
You said no when the mines came in
The land was yours
Still, they drilled and dug
Poisoned your air and water
Killed your crops and animals
Eventually, they used threats and abuse
Given by permission from Canberra
They angered you when your family left
They needed to get away
The miners made your life worse
As long as they were payed
The government didn’t care
They didn’t even care when you held a gun
And placed it against your head
A second later you died with tears in your eyes
Still, I don’t think Canberra will care
They will not stop taking farmer’s lands
Not unless they get paid to do it

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Amelie’s Baby

Amelie’s Baby

You know that you were her best friend
She carried you everywhere she went
You slept with her and helped her through the night
She told you the secrets that no one else would ever know
You were the first to have makeup put on
She wanted you to be as beautiful as she was
You went with her to kindergarten
And you went with her to most summer camps
She told you about her first kiss and going to the prom
And you knew when she met her one special boy
You were the love of her life
But, times change and so did she
She married and had a family who replaced you
You were placed in a box in the attic
Forgotten for days, months, years, even a lifetime
One day she will find you again
The smile she loved so much still spreading across your face
She will hold you as tightly as she used to
And she will tell you about a new little girl
Her newest granddaughter was just born
And she knows that she will need a friend as she grows up
She also knows that Amelie will be a good mother to you
Just as she was so long ago

Sunday, July 17, 2016

I Don’t Want To Be Human

I Don’t Want To Be Human

I am truly disgusted
When did humans become animals
Killing the people who protect us
Shooting innocent people
People killing students in school
Others killing in social places
Or even people just walking down the street
Religion has become a killing point
Sexual persuasion is also targeted
Or even just the color of your skin
We were not created for this
God, Allah or the others
They strove for peace and love
Every life matters
Everyone has the right to live
Without fear of being killed for no reason
I am truly disgusted
As long as we keep killing each other

I don’t want to be a human anymore

Friday, July 15, 2016



I have been there
Sleeping in a car
In the heat of summer
In the cold of winter
I took naps on park benches
Or on the grass in a local park
Walking the streets
Wearing clothes that can’t be washed
Wondering what you are going to eat
And where you are going to find it
I saw people staring at me
Whispering between themselves
Laughing in my face
No one cared
No one even asked how I was
I was there, but I wasn’t
I just wished someone would have seen me
Looked at me and said hello
Maybe, I would have smiled

And felt alive even if just for a moment

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I Missed You

I Missed You

I was asleep when you left
You never said goodbye
I looked for you
I slept on your pillows
Just to smell your scent
I played with your best shirt
But, you were gone forever
And I missed you badly
After so much time I laid on the couch
Just looking out of the window
I never saw the kids next door
Or the cat running through the yard
I just wanted to see your car
I waited forever until you came home
I jumped and kissed your cheek
I went and got my rope to play
But, there is something I have to tell you
I missed you so badly it hurt
So, I left you a gift to remind you I was here
Just do not ever get your slippers
You may not like what you find
But, even after you get my gift

Just remember I will always love you

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Mighty King

The Mighty King

You were born to a royal family
Who wandered through the forest
They cared about the animals
And the fauna which covered the ground
You became respected by all who saw you
Those who watched you as you grew
You became stronger
More agile and braver with each day
Then you took the throne from your father
Becoming the protector of the forest
Look over your kingdom young king
See what nature has given you
Rule wisely and fairly
Have courage and wisdom
And you will be a mighty king

The Man She Buried

The Man She Buried

She buried her husband decades ago
He died fighting a needless war
Held prisoner for so many years
He wrote to her every day
Yet, she never heard a word
Her two children never knew their father
They were told stories
But, they never knew for sure
Over time she lived her life
As he became a distant memory
The a day came when a canvas bag arrived
A thousand letters were poured onto the floor
Each one was sent from a cage in Hanoi
Addressed to her, but never sent
She read each one through tear-filled eyes
And as the last letter was put back in the envelope
She fell in love one again

And again she mourned the man she buried so long ago

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dedicated To Rolling Acres Mall

Dedicated To Rolling Acres Mall

You were so beautiful at one time
I remember looking forward to seeing you
To go to the movies
Get something to eat
Or maybe buy a new pair of shoes
I remember watching kids play
Splashing in your fountain
Yet, everything must come to an end
I saw empty hallways and darkened shops
Except for one store with a single man
He was trying to keep your heart beating
Trying to keep you alive
But he could not do enough
So, after years of neglect
Broken windows
Water and snow pouring in
You became a rotting corpse
Still, we will remember you for who you were

Not what you became

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Worthless Piece Of Paper

A Worthless Piece Of Paper

240 years ago
A paper was written
Signed by intelligent men
Casting out an imperial king
It created a country
The likes of which the world had never seen
Gave every person rights
To life, liberty and happiness
But, that was so long ago
Over time it has changed
Watered down and corrupted
Politicians have twisted it
Warped it to fit their needs
To benefit the rich
And punish the poor
A paper that used to be a national treasure
Now, it is a joke
Not worth the paper it was written on
And that is how it will remain
As long as people won’t stand up

And be counted

Sunday, July 3, 2016



I want a place of solitude
No people around
No sounds of cars or trucks
No upsetting news of the world
Just the sounds of the breezes
Birds singing in the branches
Baby animals wanting their mothers
I want the scent of wildflowers
The smell of fresh air
The visions of clouds drifting above
I want a place to think
To come up with new ideas
Ones the universe had never dreamed
I want a bench surrounded by nature
A place man has not ruined
I want a place of solitude

A place where I am just me

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...