Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Amelie’s Baby

Amelie’s Baby

You know that you were her best friend
She carried you everywhere she went
You slept with her and helped her through the night
She told you the secrets that no one else would ever know
You were the first to have makeup put on
She wanted you to be as beautiful as she was
You went with her to kindergarten
And you went with her to most summer camps
She told you about her first kiss and going to the prom
And you knew when she met her one special boy
You were the love of her life
But, times change and so did she
She married and had a family who replaced you
You were placed in a box in the attic
Forgotten for days, months, years, even a lifetime
One day she will find you again
The smile she loved so much still spreading across your face
She will hold you as tightly as she used to
And she will tell you about a new little girl
Her newest granddaughter was just born
And she knows that she will need a friend as she grows up
She also knows that Amelie will be a good mother to you
Just as she was so long ago

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