Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Puppy

The Puppy
By R.e. Taylor

Can you please tell me
What did I do wrong
I was taken home with them
And given to their little girl
It was what they called Christmas
She was so very happy
That made me happy too
We played for hours
I really loved her
But one day I ate her shoe
I was just playing the way I learned
I got yelled at and spanked
I never got the chance to apologize
They put me in the car
I thought we were going for a ride
I always loved to go for rides
But this time they took me somewhere
And locked me in a cage
I heard the little girl crying
And I was also crying
But they left me there
Maybe someday I will be loved
I sure hope so

The Curse Of The Howl

The Curse Of The Howl
By R.e. Taylor

It comes from the night
Hunting without mercy
Looking for the weak
Preying on the innocent
With fangs and claws
It shreds its prey
Only eating the heart
The rest is left for the rats
So, when the moon is full
And the stars shine in the sky
Beware the howl of the wolf
For it may be hunting for you
And you will not stand a chance
You will suffer a painful death
And there is not a thing you can do about it

Monday, December 30, 2019

I Am An Artist

I Am An Artist
By R.e. Taylor

I am not crazy
I am not destructive
I create beauty
Just give me some paint
And an empty wall
And soon you will see art
No, I will not tag the wall
I will not write things
I will give you something to enjoy
So, if you have an ugly blank wall
It doesn’t matter where it is
Let me use it and see what I give to you
Beauty and maybe a smile or two
I am an artist and that is what I do

Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Pretty, Pretty Rock

A Pretty, Pretty Rock
By R.e. Taylor

Rough stones buried in the desert
Long before history ever began
Hidden away from everything
They became very special
Finally dug up by brave humans
They are cut and polished
Their inner beauty is brought out
But, inside the stones is so much more
Maybe a galaxy or a universe
Either way the beauty is unearthly
And it is so magical that it transcends time
Possibly it surpasses all reality
Most likely even far beyond that
But we just love it for what it is
A pretty, pretty rock

Friday, December 27, 2019

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel
By R.e. Taylor

Angel stand guard
Be ever aware
So many waiting souls
Trying to enter Heaven
But temptation is around
The Devil wants his due
And his demons wander
Checking the souls
Looking for the lost ones
The ones you cannot protect
So, God sent you down
To watch over the dead
Making sure they are safe
Making sure they are protected
Making sure they make it to the gate
You are important to them
And everyone, even the living
As a sign of hope and faith


By R.e. Taylor

Life is just perspectives
In what you see
What you think
What you say and what you hear
Everything is perspective
All it takes in one minor change
Maybe a step to the right or left
Or the way is a word is pronounced
That could change everything
So, when you think, see, hear, or speak
Remember what you experience
May not be what is really there
It is just a matter of perspective

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mother’s Anger

Mother’s Anger
By R.e. Taylor

Mother Nature is angry
She is tired of us thinking we know best
The we know how to stop her cycles
And reverse the way she has run the planet
Her plans for us have been going forever
Heating and cooling again and again
And the planet never thought of dying
It actually became stronger every time
So why should a few big mouths ruin things
She isn’t going to listen to them
And maybe it is better if she doesn’t
After all, Mother always knows best

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Smell The Meadow

Smell The Meadow
By R.e. Taylor

Sometimes in life
Stopping to smell the roses doesn’t help
You may need more
You may need to go to a place
Where a million flowers bloom
Filling the air with a sweet scent
Strong enough to affect you
In ways that you may not expect
Negativity may leave your soul
And life may become worth living
So don’t just smell the roses
Find a meadow and smell another world

And leave your negative world behind

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Crossing The Bridge

Crossing The Bridge
By R.e Taylor

What is on the other side
No one has gone over there
Is there no sense of adventure
Is there no curiosity left
Kids used to love a thing like that
Finding out the unknown
Exploring new worlds
Just to see what was there
Of course, most times was nothing
But sometimes you found magic
And even if you didn’t
You had some good stories to tell
So, why won’t anyone cross that bridge
Maybe the young don’t need stories anymore
But they are still nice to have around
Just in case

Her Heaven

Her Heaven
By R.e. Taylor

It started the day she was born
Her father took her to the bench
Showing the Sun, the beauty of his little girl
They went every night
Sometimes just sitting and watching
Other times telling secrets and dreams
Sixty years later her father was long gone
So, she goes alone to sit on the bench
She tells her father how her day went
And what she thought dreamt and wished
Now, she no longer sits on the bench
No one has sat on it in years
But she is remembered there
A bronze plaque sits in her favorite spot
Sometimes you can still see her
Talking to her father and watching the setting sun
She must still be happy on that bench
It must be her Heaven

Monday, December 23, 2019

Spring Is Coming

Spring Is Coming
By R.e. Taylor

In all of the cold
The snow and ice
And the falling on your ass
It is hard to remember
There is another world coming
With a warm sun
Maybe rain and fog to walk in
And all of the colors filling the gardens
That should give you the hope you need
And maybe you can forget winter
And the bruises on your bum
It’s only months away
So, bundle up and wait
It will be worth it

Friday, December 20, 2019

Hidden You

Hidden You
By R.e. Taylor

Everyone sees you
No one sees the real you
You are hidden behind a mask
One that you created long ago
Maybe it was to protect you
Maybe it was to hide you away
Someday your mask may fall
The face paint will fade away
And you will be finally revealed
We may get to know you
We may get to know how you feel
And what you think
Until then we will still see you
And only when you are ready
We will see the real you
The best you there can be

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I Really Don’t Want To

I Really Don’t Want To
By R.e. Taylor

I know of a door
Everyone does
It takes you to your future
And everyone passes through
I really don’t want to
My future scares me
Will it lead me to happiness
Or a life worse than it is now
It may lead to Heaven or Hell
I will not pass through
I really don’t want to

Monday, December 16, 2019

Under The Weeping Willow

Under The Weeping Willow
By R.e. Taylor

She waits and waits
It has to be perfect
Frogs croaking in the lake
Crickets chirping in the forest
And a warm sun
Not too hot and not too cool
It is just the right day and time
And she found the perfect place
Under the boughs of a willow
There she writes her poetry
Her stories and her songs
And it is the place where she dreams
And travels to so many different lands
And, when the time comes
It will be the place she is laid to rest

Saturday, December 14, 2019

In Your Eyes

In Your Eyes
By R.e. Taylor

You have always been so strong
It’s doubtful you ever shed a tear
Everyone so admires you
But when we look in your eyes
There is a you we don’t know
Someone who has seen bad times
Been beaten down by life many times
Only to fight your way back to your feet
Your fighting is done
Your life has gotten better
So, live your life and be happy
You deserve it

© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Strayan Chrissie

A Strayan Chrissie
By R.e. Taylor

The warm sun is shining
Breezes coming in from the Coral Sea
Snags on the barbie
And XXXX in the esky
It is a day to go to the beach
Swim in the cool waves
Trying to avoid the stinging jellyfish
Or just lie beneath the swaying palms
And watch all the people there
Chrissie in Australia is different
Unlike anything you may know
After all, Chrissie in a winter holiday
And you don’t go swimming
That is unless you have an Aussie frame of mind
With that, everything is normal
Even a sunburn on Chrissie

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Puppy’s Dream

A Puppy’s Dream
By R.e. Taylor

You found me at the pound
Cowering in a cage
I was not sure what my life would be
But I knew that something was happening
Something magical
I could see it in your eyes
But I could never have imagined it
I share your bed every night
We go for hours at the doggie park
And I eat half of your devon
What more could a puppy ask for

Monday, December 9, 2019

Nowhere Is Somewhere

Nowhere Is Somewhere
By R.e. Taylor

Is somewhere
No one around
No cities
No noise
Only the sound of my breathing
The thoughts I won’t share
And memories of you coming from my heart
I could live my life in nowhere
Just knowing that I am still breathing
Thinking my thoughts
And that I still have you in my heart
I doubt I would never need anything else

Saturday, December 7, 2019

I Ain’t Going

I Ain’t Going 
By R.e. Taylor

I don’t know who you are
I don’t know what you are
But I think I know what you want
I have heard of you
Pretty much everyone has
You know I have met you once
On the day I was born
I was not scared of you then
And I am not scared of you know
So, just leave me alone
I will call you when I am ready
But, right now, I have too much to do
And even more I have to say
I think you should just go to Hell and wait
Because I ain’t going with you today
And I am not going with you tomorrow
The next day is a maybe
But that is up to me and you have no say
You can just kiss my arse before then
Cause, I ain’t going

Friday, December 6, 2019

What A Book Can Offer

What A Book Can Offer
By R.e. Taylor

What can you do in a book
By turning page by page
Reading every word
You can become whatever you want
Do thing that you can only imagine
You can fight a war
See every land you can think of
Become a dragon rider
Or fall in love with a princess
All you have to do is turn off the electronics
Stop playing the games which fill your life
Just buy a book and see what you can find
You may just be surprised

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Just One Snowflake

Just One Snowflake
By R.e. Taylor

It has been a long time
But the memories are still clear
Waking up on a December morn
Squinting as your curtains opened
Just to admire a new blanket of snow
So pure and virginal, never disturbed
It was so totally beautiful
But that was many years ago
Now there is palm trees and high heat
Christmas trips to the beach
And roasting snags under the bright sun
How I pray for just one single snowflake
I watch the skies and my hopes fade
No snow again this year
God, I miss seeing just one snowflake

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Just Think For Yourself

Just Think For Yourself
By R.e. Taylor

So many rules
Too many opinions
Everyone saying something
No one ever says the same thing
Sometimes it changes once a day
Sometimes a hundred times a second
But it never stays the same for long
What is right
What is wrong
Nobody knows
But everybody tells you
Should you listen
Should you ignore them all
The answer to those are yes
Do both and make up your own mind
That's the right way to be
Informed yet independent

I Am Who I Am

I Am Who I Am
By R.e. Taylor

I am tired of my life
I don’t like who I am
I do not want to be human
I do not want to be a man
I do not want to be old
So, I dug deep in my heart
Thinking about what I truly am
Through all the dreams and thoughts
Only one thing came to me
It was the one thing that I always loved
And it was what I wanted to be
So, now I do not identify as me
I am not a human and I am not male
I am a violet and grey unicorn
So, please accept me for who I am
Or just bugger off

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...