Saturday, December 7, 2019

I Ain’t Going

I Ain’t Going 
By R.e. Taylor

I don’t know who you are
I don’t know what you are
But I think I know what you want
I have heard of you
Pretty much everyone has
You know I have met you once
On the day I was born
I was not scared of you then
And I am not scared of you know
So, just leave me alone
I will call you when I am ready
But, right now, I have too much to do
And even more I have to say
I think you should just go to Hell and wait
Because I ain’t going with you today
And I am not going with you tomorrow
The next day is a maybe
But that is up to me and you have no say
You can just kiss my arse before then
Cause, I ain’t going

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