Sunday, June 30, 2019

He’s Asleep

He’s Asleep

It doesn’t matter if the sun is up
He’s asleep
Let the air heat up as far as it will go
He’s asleep
Or let the Arctic send down its cold
He’s asleep
Let a burglar break into the house
He’s asleep
Or let a fire start in the bedroom
He’s asleep
But, open a bag of potato chips
He’s awake and running around the house
You got to love that dog of yours
Because God knows he loves you

When Are You Needed

When Are You Needed

I do not know you
But I have imagined you
Sometimes as a warrior
Fighting dragons and trolls
Saving those who needed saving
And never asking anything in return
All you were doing was making a life
In a story hundreds of years old
Or are you from today
A woman who fights wrongs
Stands up for others in need
And not needing a name to remember
As long as someone somewhere gets helped
Maybe you are from a future time
Where you will help the planet
Or a country which needs you
Or maybe just a baby who was left to die
Either way in any time you are needed

Friday, June 28, 2019

The Magic Of A Child’s Smile

The Magic Of A Child’s Smile
By R.e. Taylor

You love to see a child's smile
It is a very precious thing
Something you’ll remember
And it Only takes a few minutes
All it takes is a mommy or daddy
To tell the child a story
Play a game of peek-a-boo
Or maybe a raspberry on their tummy
But most of all it takes the love we have
A kiss or a hug or just an “I love you"
Well, that could be just the thing for a smile
But if you really cannot do that
If you cannot give the love they need
Do not harm them or take their life
It was never their fault they came to you
Let someone else raise them
Let someone else tell them a story
Or play peek-a-boo or give raspberries
Please, just give the child a chance to smile
And a chance to hear, “I love you"

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Edge

The Edge

She will go to the edge
It is a place she knows well
She never looks up
She never looks down
She knows there is no Heaven
And there is no Hell
That is how she believes
So, she stands there and just looks
Knowing there is no reward
And knowing there is no punishment
She does what she wants
But she enjoys the view from the edge
You will see her looking again
Because that is what she enjoys
And that is good for her

Sunday, June 23, 2019

I Just Don’t Care

I Just Don’t Care

I used to care
Everything mattered to me
There was a lot that bothered me
Maybe that was just silly
Or maybe it was the demon of youth
A demon I killed off years ago
Now, in the years since then
I realized some things I didn’t know
There is nothing to be bothered by
Nothing really matters
And everything will just pass by
So, now I can say I really don’t care

And I can mean it

Saturday, June 22, 2019

One Chance

One Chance

He spent years looking for love
Going to places he would never go
Meeting so many that he didn't love
So many he could never love
Finally, he saw a name which interested him
An older woman with a heart of gold
He knew he could never resist her
He tried and tried again to just say hello
But even though his heart wanted to
His mind would not allow it
He knew that she was too good for him
So, he just looked at her name
Wondering the whole time if he was right
He saw her and all of her beauty
She was truly a creature created in Heaven
So, he just walked away, never looking back
Later he died all alone
He never knew that she was thinking of him
Staring at his name hour after hour
All it would have taken was just one word
If either of them would have just said hello
They both would have found the love they wanted
But, as with so many “would have" controlled them
So, they both died alone
So, if you find a “would have” moment
Go for it and don’t look back
That way the best will happen from just one choice

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

It Didn’t Take Long

It Didn’t Take Long

It didn’t take too long
Only a couple hundred years
Long enough for the world to change
The world’s forests and fields
Once fed the entire world
Gave air for everyone to breathe
And just beauty for all to admire
But overnight man’s course changed
Factories replaced the forests and fields
People scampered into cities
Leaving the food in the farms to decay
The animals no longer have a place to live
And the trees can no longer give us air
But even now, after two hundred years
Factories have begun dying themselves
Rusting and decaying as they sit ignored
Their land is returning to the forest
So the world is being restored

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Love Is An Orchid

Love Is An Orchid

The beauty of a rare orchid
Something taking years to be created
And if you are lucky enough to see it
It will last you for as long as you live
But, within moments the beauty can die
Oft times as it stands before you
Unfortunately, love is much like and orchid
Beautiful and it truly takes years to find
It can last you for as long as you live
Or only last a few mere moments
Dying so fast you never see it coming
Love like an orchid is meant to be treasures
Never to be ignored or forgotten

Monday, June 17, 2019

I Wish I Knew You

I Wish I Knew You

I can feel you
Watching me
Staring at me
From your hiding place
I do not know you
And you do not know me
But there is an energy
Coming from your soul
And shining from your eyes
Someday I am sure we will meet
And my heart will fill with energy
When that second happens
I will love you for forever and a day
That I can promise you

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Art In Heaven

Art In Heaven

I have been alive for three score and two
I’ve seen so many beautiful things
And places which could only be paradise
But there is a beauty which comes to you
All you have to do is look into Heaven
Taking time to watch the artwork passing by
Look and see things that you want to see
Misty gifts from Mother Nature or God
Whomever you wish to thank
Remember that they do it just for you
And you never even had to ask

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Lavender Paradise

Lavender Paradise

Leave the city behind
Take time and get away
There are places around

Ones where people dream of
A soft blanket of violet
Blowing in [rt1] summer breezes

Walk out into the open
Away from all buildings
Turn your back on distant trees

Let the soothing scents surround you
Close your eyes and just let go

Enter a paradise you never expected
If you do, if you can
You will never be the same again

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Starving Mother

A Starving Mother

I do not like having to beg
The world around me
It forces me to do what I must
If I can find a crust of bread
Or maybe some leftover milk
I think I have my best day
Am I proud of begging on the streets
Honestly, yes, I am
If my child can eat just a small bit
I am proud even if I never eat
My child will live another day
What more could I want

Tell Extinction No More

Tell Extinction No More

The world is big enough for everyone
Both Human Beings and Animals
We should be able to live together
But extinction reaches out its finger
Watching what Humans do to the world
All it takes is even the smallest mistake
And extinction reaches down to Earth
Touching one member of a species
And too soon every one of them is gone
Gone but hopefully not forgotten
And Humans will find a way to tell extinction
We will not accept you taking any more creatures
And after all time we will live together
Emphasis on the word LIVE

Friday, June 7, 2019

The Ugly Dog

The Ugly Dog

I know I am not beautiful
You cannot even call me pretty
I guess I may be downright ugly
But I know one thing you may not
Under my Anne Burrell haircut
I have a heart bigger than the universe
I will sit on your lap when you get home
I will give you more kisses than you want
And I will even sleep right next to you
So, just look into my eyes and see me
I will be a great member of your family
Please just take me home with you
And give me one chance

Thursday, June 6, 2019


I have seen you when you never saw me
Just slight glimpses from the corner of my eye
Of you running through the forest
Or standing on the shore of the lake
But I never knew if I was seeing you
Or if my mind was just creating a dream
I knew that I could never talk to you
Really, I would not know what to say
What I would like to tell you
It is so far out of my place
After all how do you speak to a goddess

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A Rock In The Void

A Rock In The Void

When the times comes
And Earth takes its final breath
I do not want to be among the first
I want to watch as the heavens descend
And the air fills with fire and smoke
Everyone will pray to a god
The one who left us long ago
The one who sent the fire upon us
All of the prayer will rise into the sky
And float off into a cold uncaring universe
Never will they be answered or even heard
All of us will die as He watches
Every person, animal and insect gone
The earth will be a dead rock
Devoid of everything that made it unique
Just a speck of rock in an endless void
Nothing more…nothing less

Monday, June 3, 2019

Believe In You

Believe In You

From the first step you took
You began to move to the music
Even then you knew
You were going to be a dancer
Years and years, you studied
Learning moves and motions
Some easy and some hard
But you never gave up
You never listed to anyone
The ones who said you couldn’t do it
That it was all just a waste of your life
Now you dance every night
With a thousand people watching only you
You learned what most people never will
Do not listen when you are told you can’t
Know in your heart that, no matter what
You can and will do anything
As long as you try and you believe in you

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...