Saturday, June 22, 2019

One Chance

One Chance

He spent years looking for love
Going to places he would never go
Meeting so many that he didn't love
So many he could never love
Finally, he saw a name which interested him
An older woman with a heart of gold
He knew he could never resist her
He tried and tried again to just say hello
But even though his heart wanted to
His mind would not allow it
He knew that she was too good for him
So, he just looked at her name
Wondering the whole time if he was right
He saw her and all of her beauty
She was truly a creature created in Heaven
So, he just walked away, never looking back
Later he died all alone
He never knew that she was thinking of him
Staring at his name hour after hour
All it would have taken was just one word
If either of them would have just said hello
They both would have found the love they wanted
But, as with so many “would have" controlled them
So, they both died alone
So, if you find a “would have” moment
Go for it and don’t look back
That way the best will happen from just one choice

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