Wednesday, July 31, 2019



By R.e Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing
Take the shackles from my arms
I do not need to be held
You may control my arms
And the chains control my body
No matter what you do to me
Torture my Earthly body as you wish
You keep me prisoner in my cell
But my mind will always be free
There is no way to know my thoughts
Or my dreams or even my nightmares
How I dream that my life would end
Just to stop your enjoyment
So, although my body may still be alive
My soul is no longer within me
Do as you will to me
I no longer care since, to me, my life is gone
And know this I will look down on you without disdain
Without any anger or hatred or loathing
I will see you with nothing but pity
That is if I ever think of you again

Sunday, July 28, 2019

One More Step

One More Step
By R.e. Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

One more day
One more night
Over and over
An endless circle
Monotonous hours
With nothing different
Nothing changing
Except growing feelings
Depression and anxiety
Pushing closer to the edge
No one there to stop you
It is only one step
Not even a big one
And the endless hours are gone
Left for someone else to worry about

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Take A Walk In Your Dreams

Take A Walk In Your Dreams
By R.e. Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

Go ahead young lady
Take a walk in your dreams
Find a land of eternal sunshine
One which has everything you want
Fairies floating above you
Singing songs which are only for you
Trees are made of the cotton candy
Made from the sweetness you supplied
And if you look very carefully young lady
You may find a fairy godmother hiding away
She may touch you with her magic wand
And she will turn you into a beautiful princess
Young lady, all of that may all come true
And you will find so much more
All you have to do is open your heart
And take a walk in your dreams

Monday, July 22, 2019

Watching The Earth

Watching The Earth

I dream of going into space
Floating between the Earth and the Moon
With nothing there to bother me
What I would love to do would be to look down
Look at our world the way that God would
Where there are no races and no borders
Looking at a planet where no hatred can be seen
And there are no wars anywhere to be seen
There would be a total silence so no stupidity could be heard
And no one to question anyone on how they lived
All in all, the planet below would show that there is hope
If the entire planet below could see what I see
They would think about what they are doing
And maybe they would change who they are
And, the next time God looks down He will see a world of peace
And He will be proud of what He created

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Loss Of An Ice Cream Stand

The Loss Of An Ice Cream Stand

I don’t know when you died
What caused your life to end
So many of us grew up with you
Sharing hour after hour
I guess you were our home
When we didn’t really want to go home
We all shared tons of frozen ice cream
With chocolate, vanilla and strawberry
And a million maraschino cherries
But one memory is more important
I met my girl when we played a song on the jukebox
We fell in love over a cherry coke
And I asked her to marry me on the fourth stool
So, how could I not cry when you are gone
You made my life what it is
And I will miss you for that

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Love So Lomg Ago

Love So Long Ago

She walked by so many times
Her mind wandering
Exploring her every wish and dream
She never thought about you
You were just a sound on the wind
A voice which carried to anyone who could listen
She would her a sadness in your voice
You could almost hear the tears run down your face
And the sound of your heart breaking
If only if she looked up and saw you
Waiting by the window where you used to watch
Looking at each group of returning soldiers
Hoping that your young man would come home
That was over a century ago and you still wait
A spirit, so much in love you’ll never give up
But she just walked by so many times
And never thought about you

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Place To Dream

A Place To Dream

The Sun has already set
The moon is shining bright
The time has come to sleep
Maybe dream of a secret place
Where birds fill the trees
And clouds ate nowhere to be found
A waterfall drops with just the slightest sound
And the grass spreads out like silken carpet
It is a place you always wanted to go
A place you would never want to leave
But alas, it is just a good dream
One that, if you wish really hard
You will visit again and again
When the Sun has already set
The moon is shining bright
And the time has come to sleep

Thursday, July 11, 2019

What Have You Done To Me

What Have You Done To Me

What have you done to me
I have known since I met you
I remember every word you have said
Every movement you have made
And every breath you take
You have taken me over
Controlling my thoughts and dreams
Making me miss you with everything I am
Making my heart beat just for you
And your scent fills my every breath
But whatever you do keep doing it
I will never fight it
I am in love with you
And that is all I want to know

Monday, July 8, 2019

Make Everyone Listen

Make Everyone Listen
By R.e. Taylor

Little one
You were born not long ago
So much like your father
Wise beyond your years
Brave as any warrior
Just take your time
Be patient with others
But always use your voice
Howl as loud as you can
For the life of the pack
And for yourself
Don’t you ever stop
Make everyone listen

© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Escape Your Cell

Escape Your Cell

There are so many things against you
Every time you are told you can’t
Even though you know you can
Another chain is added
Holding you as a prisoner
Locked in a cell of your own doubts
And the fear that maybe they are right
You know better but no one ever told you
What you need to do is look at yourself
Stand up and be the woman you should be
Shatter the chains with your strength
Fight back against the ones who doubt you
Stand with pride at your accomplishments
And never again listen to anyone
Just be you and shine at what you can do

Saturday, July 6, 2019

All You Have To Do Is Look

All You Have To Do Is Look

Life is so hard
Stress at every turn
Wrapping around you
Choking the breath from you
Usually there is no escape
But there is a chance
Throw off your necktie
Let your suit fall on the floor
And the get away
Then look around
Find a meadow, forest or glen
And just walk
Walk and listen to the world
Sing along with the birds
And smell the life surrounding you
After the hours or just the moments
Go back home but remember
There is more to life than wearing a suit
More than work or stress
It is all waiting all around you
All you have to do is look

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Gift Of Women

The Gift Of Women

She is a very special girl
You could see it on the day she was born
It was almost as if she was made of magic
But she grew up as a normal child
Playing and teasing just the same as everyone
Still you could easily see her difference
The souls of all women for a thousand years
All teaching her the things women need to know
And when you see the strength in her eyes
And the compassion in her smile
You know that the souls did their jobs
They created a true woman with intelligence
Caring for everything and everyone around her
Lastly, the beauty and humor to finish her
And when everything is done
She walks and shines as the truest beauty around

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...