Friday, August 30, 2019

Heroes Are Not Born Anymore

Heroes Are Not Born Anymore
By R.e. Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

You were a hero
Fighting for your country
Hopefully you made it home
And married the girl you loved
A house with a white fence
You had two children
Your dream was complete
Now your children are grown
They wear black masks
Attacking people and America
Searching for anyone to like them
Or a safe place to hide
When someone calls them a name
Or even disagrees with them
God forbid that America need your courage
It cannot be found in the new generation
They are way too busy crying in a corner
I guess you’ll have to fight for them
At least until the grow a pair

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bye, Bye Brain Cells

Bye, Bye Brain Cells

I do not know how many
Brain cells I had when I was born
I figure it was quite a few

I learned a lot and remembered it
But now, after so many years
Listening to so many stupid people
Watching way too much TV
And a lifetime of Dr. Pepper
I know I have some left
I had already forgotten your name
My address and phone number
And how to shave in the morning
Spread out through the universe
Making them harder to find
My last remaining few will keep me going
Reminding me to pull up my zipper
To eat my creamed spinach
And not fart too loudly in public
I won’t miss the ones who are long gone
Now, if I could just remember what I was saying

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Children’s World

Children’s World 

Never look badly at a child
Even if they say something incredible
Like they can walk through doors
Or becoming invisible at dinner
They are not limited by physics
Nor by the rules which grown-ups live by
They see magic and ask why not
We look at magic and say impossible
Children are a new and amazing species
Gods and goddesses unlike any before
They see the world as it should be
Limited by only wishes, dreams and magic
It is so sad that we teach that out of them
But maybe they are right
We can walk through walls
All we have to do is believe

Monday, August 26, 2019

He Missed So Much

He Missed So Much

He was tired of waiting
His body hit the age before him
His eyes lost their shine
Now they were lifeless
Just ebony plates on a grey sea
The body he used to do everything
Arms and legs which were once steel band
Now he strains when he lifts them from the table
Staring, his eyes miss so much
The worse is that he will never see a child's smile
But when he realized what he was missing
A fast death so many years before
That could have the best thing
If only knew then what he knows now
Or at least had an idea of what was come

A Man’s True Life

A Man’s True Life

We don’t know when it starts
Our bodies change for the second time
The strength we had is gone
We have aches and pains
Showing up in places we never had before
And even a walk to the curb becomes marathon
And if you want to make love
Well, without blue pill that may be gone too
We can't play sports any longer
At least we have that on Espn
Several times a week we eat the wrong things
So, we are crapping like a damn let loose
Or we pee for hours just to let loose with two drops
So, kids, the life of a man isn’t a paradise
So, just give up cause it will only get worse

Monday, August 12, 2019

A Hidden Poet

A Hidden Poet
By R.e. Taylor
Photo by Klimbim
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

A poet would always write
Sharing wisdom and feelings
Hoping that you will read it
And you may cry or laugh
Just so long as you feel
But a poet will never share all
There are things they will hide
Keeping it deep in their soul
So deep that they may not remember it
Often it is too painful to share
Other times it may be a special memory
Either way always remember
You think that you may know a poet
But you only know what they want you to see
Nothing less and nothing more

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Blues I Live With

The Blues I Live With
By R.e. Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

I don’t like that feeling
When the blues find me
It could be anytime
At any place
Without any warning
I see something
Hear something
Or remember something
Which takes away everything else
And I just sit and wonder what if
Maybe if I had done things differently
Maybe if I had said different words
Or ever said what I really meant
My body would not feel close to death
And my mind would not be flooded by tears
Just one thing either yesterday or a life ago
Maybe I could have life back
And maybe have allowed me to smile

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Look Down

Look Down
By R.e. Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

I see so many people
Walking around
Looking at all the beauty
The skies and its clouds
The grassy meadows
And the trees and their boughs
So many are thrilled by what they see
But their eyes always face up
They never see the beauty at their feet
The smaller creatures wandering the grass
Brightly colored bodies
They shine, unnoticed by others
Yet they are there
All you have to do is look down
And see a whole new beautiful world

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Angels In The Country

Angels In The Country

I don’t know where I'm going
And I don’t know where I've been
I've been wandering this country
From the Ridge to the Eastern Coast
Meeting so many people
Each so different from the others
I never found any anger or hatred
Just people who said “hi” and shared a cuppa
Every land had its own cultures
None were better or worse than the others
The all just lived the way they wanted to live
Maybe when my journey end
I will share my stories about those I met
And, if someone listens
They will learn that the world is magical
And the souls living here are the real angels
When they hear me the world may survive
And the angels will be the only people we see

Friday, August 2, 2019

The Woman I Know

The Woman I Know

I don’t know what I did
Or what was said
No matter what it was
I never expected your fangs
Ripping at my body
Tearing deep into my soul
Somehow I loosed a demon
Hidden deep inside of you
You knew that I loved you
And I would never do you harm
So, when your fangs go away
I will be here waiting for you

There Are Days

There Are Days
By R.e. Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

There are days
Everybody has them
No one will admit them
As if they never happen
They may start when you wake
One thing that isn’t right
A stubbed toe or spilt coffee
Or those days may wait and watch
Looking for that perfect moment
And then they’ll spring
Leaving us with pie on our face
And that moment on that day
Will be laughed at and remembered
For forever and a day

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...