Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Old Lady’s Truth

The Old Lady’s Truth

She was a woman of love
Helping to raise her family
All the children, grandkids and great grandkids
She helped the neighbors
And more than a few strangers
Everyone knew her and everyone loved her
But her time came and went
One day God came down and called her home
She left everyone and everything behind
Unfortunately, her friends and family
They forgot all about her
And they never come to visit her old home
Maybe if they had they would see the old woman
Still sitting in the wheelchair, she used for so long
Looking at the door and silently crying
She asks God why she has been left all alone
He doesn’t answer her right away
Instead He places His hand on her shoulder
And He tells her that, as long as she is under His care
She will never truly be alone, and she will always be loved
She looks at Him and she smiles knowing that it all true

Friday, November 29, 2019

Life Can Be Hard

Life Can Be Hard

Sometimes life can be hard
Maybe it was designed like that
Often you may want to give up
When a bottle of booze helps
Or maybe you are thinking of pills
After all, they can end the suffering
But life doesn’t really want you to surrender
It made you to fight everything that comes
So, don’t ever back down
No matter what life throws at you
Just turn and walk away
Tell life that it will not win today
And it won’t win tomorrow or ever
After all, things always get better
And it would suck not to see it

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Moon And My Heart

The Moon And My Heart

I wonder
Do you see what I see
You can’t imagine how I feel
Looking at the full moon as it rises
I know in my heart that you are with me
Looking at the same moon as it sets
It is at that rarest of moments
When our hearts are joined
So please, when you see the moon and its cool silvery light
Know that it is carrying the only gift I have to send to you
The heart of a man who loves you beyond all time

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

You Will Never Be Alone

You Will Never Be Alone

I knew you when you were young
Planted in a green field
Nicely mown grass
Bright sun always shining
And a beautiful moon to light your night
But you have spent your life alone
It was not by your choice
Everyone who sees you knows that
But as long as birds nest in your branches
As long as lovers kiss in your shade
And as long as dogs pee on your trunk
You will never truly be alone

Forever’s Stories

Forever’s Stories

Remember the stories your mom told
Or maybe it was your grandmother
Fantasy lands where happiness rules
Princes and princesses
Living in magnificent palaces
Maybe with a dragon or two
But they were really never a problem
Everyone lived in peace and harmony
Except the witches and stepmothers
But even they made interesting stories
Stories we were told when we were young
Stories we will tell our children when bedtime comes
So, as long as there are children who will listen
They will be passed on forever and a day

Sunday, November 24, 2019


By R.e. Taylor

She didn't know where to go
She had no one to talk to
And problems no one knew of
All alone she wandered the forest
Looking at the trees and flowers
Thinking the entire time
What was she worth
Why didn't anyone care
A length of rope and a steady branch
And she found the peace she needed
A victim of her demons
A guest of the Aokigahara Forest

© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Just Be

Just Be

It is once in a lifetime
She dreamt of it
The perfect day
Warm breezes
Bright sun
And fluffily clouds
The perfect day
To go to a field
Lie down in the grass
And just be

The Art Of The Wind

The Art Of The Wind

Let the wind blow
Down the valley
And over the hills
Touching everything it passes
Eroding rocks on the way
Sculpting trees and bushes
And painting beautiful pictures
Grasses bend to its power
Creating waves and patterns
Impossible for man to make
Yet perfect for man to admire

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Joey Shouldn’t Have Died

Joey Shouldn’t Have Died

You were so cute
Just a baby
You hadn’t had a chance to live
We know your mother tried
She nursed you
Cared for you
Protected you from harm
But something happened
God designed you wrong
When the fires came you had no chance
Your mother couldn’t run away
The fires licked your bodies
As they devoured you
We wished we could have done more
Now we mourn for you and your mother

Functional Artwork

Functional Artwork

Sometimes functionality works
Things are created for one purpose
For years and years they are used
Used until they have nothing left
Then they sit abandoned
Left to rot in total isolation
But sometimes beauty replaces rot
Instead they become an artform
Something to be admired and honored
All you have to do is find them

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Everything Will Fail

Everything Will Fail

Everything is going to fall
From the largest star
To the smallest molecule
It was planned that way
So long ago
Since then all life has changed
And changed again
As it became too great
As it thought itself immortal
Everything is going to fail
And there is nothing you can do
Just wait and watch it happen

Monday, November 18, 2019

You Are The Legend

You Are The Legend

Walking by
I can hear you cry
A tormented soul
You have long been forgotten
Trapped not quite in Heaven
But not allowed to go to Hell
You languish in your tomb
While stories are told of you
Half man, half animal
A demon rotting away
No one knows the truth
And really no one cares
The legends have become the truth
And you are the legends

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The End Of The Path

The End Of The Path

I started walking this path long ago
It began long before I knew it
So many rocks and sticks blocked me
But, I fought my way around
Maybe not always around
Sometimes I ripped my way through
Either way I lived my live
Always taking single steps
Now, the path will be coming to an end
No, I don’t want it to end to soon
I still have way too many things to do
Still if you see me walking too fast
Don’t try to slow me down
It is not that I want it all to end
I just want to see what will be there when I get there

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Return To Eden

Return To Eden

God created us to behave
That changed with an apple
He watched us make mistakes
He rarely interfered
Now we have gone too far
Hurting each other
Ignoring the paradise He gave us
Now, He folds his hands
Lowering them toward to earth
Hoping that we will hear His prayers
And maybe we will save what is left
If we do, we may re-enter Eden
And be back where we belong

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Everyone Needs A Forest

Everyone Needs A Forest

Everyone needs a forest
Somewhere quiet
Where breathing is easier
Thoughts are clearer
And the heart is filled with joy
So, find yourself a forest
And give yourself a chance to live

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fading Day

Fading Day

I thought I was crazy
So, did everyone I know
Leaving my life behind
Wandering the world
Out of all eternity
Looking for that one moment
The one which showed a beauty
Beauty which no one knew existed
But I did find it
Hidden in an Arctic snow field
The moment when the endless day ends
And the endless night begins
A moment of fading beauty
Which will never be remembered
But should never be forgotten

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Your Dream World

Your Dream World

Your life is so hectic
Always running
Never taking time for you
But we know that you dream
You dream of another world
Where everything is still and quiet
That world is so real to you
So, never stop dreaming
Your world awaits you
All you have to do is go

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Single Thread

A Single Thread

So much has happened
Such a little time
Sometimes it is too much
The mind begins to crack
It strains against itself
Trying to remain one
But there are times
When every thread has broken
All except one
It keeps reality real
And lets the mind live for another day
Hopefully to find a piece of happiness
To keep that single thread strong

Walking Barefoot

Walking Barefoot
One day
Not too far off
A promise will be kept
The Sun will be in the right place
Not too close and not too far away
The clouds will be hiding from view
And for a moment the world will stop
There will be no work or worries
And you will have the time you want
On that day throw your shoes away
You won’t need them
Walk through a field of flowers
Or along a warm sandy beach
Just let your feet know that you are alive
And see where they take you

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mentally Awake – NOT!

Mentally Awake – NOT!

Just woke up
Brain still don’t work
I can’t make up my mind
Maybe I won’t even try
Up or down
Right or left
Inside out or outside in
It doesn’t matter
I really don’t care
I just woke up
So, life don’t exist
Not until I find the coffee
Then everything will matter

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...