Sunday, July 31, 2022

Never Again My Home

Never Again My Home
By Lord R.e Taylor

I would love to see home
The place where I grew up
I hear so much has changed
There is nothing left of my childhood
All of my schools are closed or torn down
The playgrounds have been fenced and plowed
There is no longer anywhere to see a movie
The people I knew are all dead or gone
Even my fave radio stations are all different
There is not a single thing left that is mine
That place may be my hometown
But it will never again be my home



The Art Of Fairies

The Art Of Fairies
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The moment the sun sets
The world changes for the better
Heat from the day fades
Cold air comes it replacing the warmth
Making people see their every breath
Then the fairies come out from hiding
Their brushes flashing with magic
Frost forming on every flower
Creating a new style of art
One which only lasts a couple of hours
Then it is destroyed by the rising sun
And, in a few hours, the cycle will start again
Fairies creating different art for a different day
All for you and you alone



Thursday, July 28, 2022

Tiny Chubster

Tiny Chubster
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I knew you when you were little
A tiny chubster playing in the yard
With the grace of a gorilla, you danced
Spraining ankles and wearing new bruises
Everyone said that you were hopeless
Sometimes loud enough for you to hear
But that really influenced you
Years later you shed your feathers
Created yourself a body so many envied
You learned so many dance steps
Now, that tiny chubster is long gone
You are proud of every move you make
And a beautiful gazelle has been born



Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Click Of A Button

The Click Of A Button
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It used to be so easy
You met a girl somewhere
Talked, dated, and fell in love
But rarely any distance away
Then came all of our computers
Distance no longer mattered
Just click a button. Maybe two
Leaf through a hundred pictures
Send a few texts and share pics
And fall in love without meeting
All of the romance is long gone
With just the click of a button



Monday, July 25, 2022

Vine Covered House

Vine Covered House
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Those younger vines were cute
Bright and shiny leaves
Only a few inches tall
She loved them oh so much
But that was very long ago
She has not been seen in so long
It is unsure that she still lives there
But the vine never died away 
So now, it owns her house
And everything she ever owned
Even though it is so scary
We think she still loves it, and it loves her
They are the strangest perfect couple ever



Sunday, July 24, 2022

It Wasn’t Worth It

It Wasn’t Worth It
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The bank was too easy
I should not have done it
Not for just fifty bucks
Now, I have to run
Hoping for a hideout



Saturday, July 23, 2022

A Brand New World

A Brand New World
By Lord R.e. Taylor

A brand-new world
Such beauty
Hiding so much
Lions or tigers or bears
Or maybe a dinosaur
You just have to look



Friday, July 22, 2022

A Welcoming Home

A Welcoming Home
By Lord R.e. Taylor

They built their dream home
Staring about a year after they met
Stayed there a few times with their family
But they never stayed there for too long
It was in a special spot in a secluded wood
Just far enough away from everything
No driveway or tire tracks nor any city sounds
Just a few deer and raccoons as neighbors
Forty-five years later they came to the house
Their dream home was waiting to welcome them home



A Queen Without A Queendom

A Queen Without A Queendom 
By Lord R..e. Taylor 

She wandered her world alone
A queen surveying her queendom
Power and beauty all in one
She was loved and feared equally
But she was betrayed
Captured and locked away
Surrounded by steel bars
She paces back and forth
Walking in never-ending circles
Her body and mind have been destroyed 
She is a queen without her queendom 
That is no life for someone like her
But it is the life humankind has given her
An animal in a cage
Meant for us to enjoy
If only we can see past her pain



Thursday, July 21, 2022

A Different You

A Different You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It can be so lonely
Even with millions of people 
You try and try
Yet you never fit it
You are just too different 
Maybe too old or too fat
Maybe you just are not the same
You may be missing body parts
Some others just do not work right
Still you want to be the same
Instead you just live your life
No friends and no one to talk to 
But as painful as it is it is life
And it is better than the other option



Wednesday, July 20, 2022

You Must Have Been A Dream

You Must Have Been A Dream
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It must have been a dream
You sitting at the bar
Smoking your cigarette
You looked like the perfect woman
No, it could never be real
You are eighty years out of time
Even so I fell in love with you
But, it all must have been a dream
Because a woman like you 
Well, you could never exist
Except in the movies



Tuesday, July 19, 2022

President Cockwomble

President Cockwomble
By Lord R.e Taylor

I don’t know you
At least not for sure
I do know one thing
You think too much about yourself
You are not that smart
You rarely ever make any sense
And it hurts to listen to you talk
But, you really made something of yourself
You, my man are a cockwomble
Maybe the only one left in the world
Of that you should be proud
You are one of a kind
President Cockwomble



We Are

We Are
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Do not litter
We want you to know
We are watching
We do see you
And everything you do



Monday, July 18, 2022

My Love In Chalk

My Love In Chalk
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It was a very long time ago
Maybe fifty years as I think back
I was new at love and was not sure
What would I have to do
How could you know I love you
I found a small piece of chalk
Bright pink if I remember
I drew a heart oh the hard ground
Put both of our initials inside
I knew that it would last forever
But the rains came when the Sun rose
And our love was gone forever



Sunday, July 17, 2022

Condemned By Mistake

Condemned By Mistake
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You were born innocent
You lived innocent
And you died an innocent
But you maybe made one mistake
Maybe you said something wrong
So, Saint Peter decided on you
You could be an angel with black wings
Cast back down to Earth
Wandering, hoping to correct your mistake
And maybe make it into Heaven the next time



Saturday, July 16, 2022

Endless Love

Endless Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It was just one night
Two people in love
Creating a love that never ends
A little boy or a little girl
Looking at you with shiny eyes
And the cutest smile ever seen
The child will be with you for 18 years
Then they move away and leave you
But they will always live in your heart
With no chance of ever leaving
Not that you would ever want them to



Thursday, July 14, 2022

Written To Me

Written To Me
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It has been a long time
Almost 30 years
The world was such a mess
People hating and dying
Nobody cared
No one learned the lessons
I don’t think anybody wanted to
The was one good thing though
A few people listened and learned
They were shunned and harassed
Made to feel as if they were nothing
30 years later it is still happening
Please be a man and stand up for what is right
Try and save what humanity has left
You may be its only hope
So, please be the man I knew you could be
And always live a good life
You will deserve it



Wednesday, July 13, 2022

We Should Listen

We Should Listen
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is so much we don't know
Stories our grandparents told
But we were young and wild
And old people just rambled on
All we did was everything but listen
So, the stories all passed unheard
Then our grandparents also passed
Now, those stories can never be told again
A loss for all of us and those in the future
Just because we never listened



Sunday, July 10, 2022

Temple Of The Trees

Temple Of The Trees
By R.e. Taylor

Take a walk through a temple
A cathedral a thousand years old
Reaching up to the Heavens
With a roof of shimmering green
Shading the sun from the floor
Just enough light for grasses and flowers
It creates its own kind of beauty
Unmatched in any church built by man

© Poem – VI/X/MMXXII


Saturday, July 9, 2022

Blessed By The Gods

Blessed By The Gods
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I never thought we’d meet
A beautiful woman with a killer smile
We have only talked a few times
But with every word I fell in love
I could only hope you did too
Still, every minute I look in your eyes
And I realize that you are no ordinary woman
You are really Aphrodite come to Earth
Sent by the gods to make one mam happy
I know that I am lucky enough to be that man
And I know that it is only you that I love
The woman I will love forever



Friday, July 8, 2022

Your Special Cake

Your Special Cake
By Lord R.e. Taylor

For sixty-five years
You have read many books
So, when your day came
There was only one cake
Too bad you cannot read it
But it tastes great



Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Love Your Life

Love Your Life
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Floating down a river
Forests on either side
Slow waters, rapids, and waterfalls
Maybe an animal or two
Every turn is a new experience
So, sit back and just relax
Take everything in
And, for the moment, love your life



Monday, July 4, 2022

Hidden Sadness

Hidden Sadness
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You must have hidden your sadness
Few have ever seen your smile
Still your heart has lost so much
So many have passed before you
Some never got to say goodbye
Sadly, your eyes can no longer cry
So, now your heart bleeds
Covering the clothes you wear
And it flows into the world around you
Letting all know of the suffering within you
So maybe we can all cry for you



Saturday, July 2, 2022


By Lord R.e. Taylor

You look like a dog
You may think like a dog
But you are so much more
Some fear you because of who you are
Where you come from
But you can come for me
I am not afraid of you
I am not afraid of where you come from
So come and take my hand
Escort me to the afterlife
I might just like it



Friday, July 1, 2022

Hidden Nightmares

Hidden Nightmares
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Nightmares are forever
Hiding in the back of your mind
Watching and learning your fears
Studying your worst memories
Watching and waiting
Looking for the right moment
When you are the weakest
When your defences are the lowest
Only then will they reveal themselves
Driving you ever closer to insanity’s edge
But even though you know they are there
They will fear you if you don't acknowledge them
You tell yourself that you are the stronger
Only then will they cower in their shadows
And maybe you can even get a good night's sleep



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...