Monday, October 31, 2022

The Ghost Bride

The Ghost Bride
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She was truly in love
With a man she knew forever
They finally set a date
A special day to become one
The fates decided that they knew better
Taking her soul as she approached the alter
Centuries later she still wears virginal white
Wandering through her graveyard
Looking for the love she lost



Her Blue Eyes

Her Blue Eyes
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He never had to talk to her
There was something special
He felt it with a minute of their meet
There was something though
Something which frightened him
He saw her eyes looking at him
There he saw ice colder that any before
It felt as if she was looking deep into him
Beyond his soul into everything he was
But he knew that there had to be more
Maybe a fire burning in her heart
And he knew that if he could find it
They could both find something they wanted
He believed they could fall into an eternal love
If he could just get passed her eyes



Sunday, October 30, 2022

Reaper’s Daughter

Reaper’s Daughter
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I am not the Reaper
I am his daughter
Here for Halloween
Just saying hi



Friday, October 28, 2022

My Nuts

My Nuts
by R.e. Taylor

You want my nuts
My hands say no
Cold weather comes
We need to eat



Thursday, October 27, 2022

To Call Or Not To Call

To Call Or Not To Call
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Should she call him
Or should she not
There is so much to say
Too much to keep silent
But not she sits and waits
Scared to make a decision
Nothing ever gets said
And she never finds love



Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Woman She Was

The Woman She Was
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She was so beautiful when she was young
Living a life others only dreamed about
Everyone was there for her every wish
Then time caught up with her
Her life changed and everyone left
The life she had lived only in her memories
And the hundreds of pictures she kept
The only things she has of the woman she used to be



Monday, October 24, 2022

The Story In Our Mind

The Story In Our Mind
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I cannot stop looking at the picture
No idea how old it is
Where it was taken
Or who these two women were
What story do they tell
That is all up to me and you
They become characters in our mind
Their story becomes ours to tell
And we truly get to know these women
Even if it’s only in our minds



Heroes Of This Century

Heroes Of This Century
by Lord R.e Taylor

So many people lost everything
Some died all alone
Others lost their livelihoods
There were some who were too strong
They would not let the virus win
Most lived their lives through it
Refusing to die or give up on everything
They will never be mourned
But they will be remembered
They are the true heroes of this century



Sunday, October 23, 2022

Your Own Paradise

Your Own Paradise
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It took so much serious planning
And just as much raw imagination
Drawing designs on a napkin
After just a few dozen hours of labor
Surrounded by flowers and trees
A paradise created just for you



Saturday, October 22, 2022

Out Of Time

Out Of Time
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You are a child of the millennium
Just a mere twenty-two years old
But you look so out of place
Maybe a bit out of time
A beauty right out of the 1940’s
Still, you are here
Eighty Years too late
With a perfect beauty to be admired



Thursday, October 20, 2022

Explosion Of Color

Explosion Of Color
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Only in the autumn season
When the weather changes
From the heat of summer
Into the coldness of winter
The sun creates explosions
Making colors so bright 
They are truly beyond description
Sadly, they last only a few days
The colors fade into browns
And the browns are covered in white
But alas, for those few short days
The sun creates the most beautiful picture
Luckily we were there to see it

© Poem – X/XX/MMXXII


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Vampire Cat Bat

Vampire Cat Bat
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I am a vampire cat bat
But never fear
After Halloween
I will be a cat again



...And She Reads

...And She Reads
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It doesn’t matter what she reads
She has to escape from her life
Her family and friends
For a short time they do not matter
She sits alone on a peaceful lake
But she never stays in one place
The book takes her anywhere she wants
The rest she does in her own mind
Where characters become real
And the stories are always true



Sunday, October 16, 2022

A Single Star

A Single Star
by Lord R.e. Taylor

In the first hour of daylight
I look at the newly born sun
In the last hour of daylight
You are a half of a world away
But you look at the same sun as it falls asleep
And at that moment my heart flies to you
And your soul flies to me
Our lives are so far apart
But at that single moment
We are closer together than we ever have been
The two of us looking at a single star
Even though it is millions of miles away
It still brings our two loving souls together



Friday, October 14, 2022

Halloween Is Here

Halloween Is Here
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Fly my children
Travel across the world
But do no harm
Let everyone know
Our day is coming
That day will be magic
Children reveling in the streets
Laughing, playing, and dancing
Collecting treasure in empty pillowcases
So fly my children
Spread the word
Tell everyone of our plans
But never do any harm
A celebration is coming
The Halloween season is here



Thursday, October 13, 2022

Pleasure And Pain

Pleasure And Pain
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You probably don’t know me
And maybe you won’t want to
But, I can be your most pleasant dreams
Or I can be your worst nightmare
A princess of pleasure and pain
All built into my body and soul
Taking your chances is up to you
Your survival is up to me
So, I dare you to talk to me
The risk may be worth it



Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Forever Kiss

Forever Kiss
by Lord R.e Taylor

Somehow I knew we were special
A unique, loving couple
Who knew who would end up like this
One single kiss, which started when we met
Lasting for so many years
We share a kiss which will last forever



Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Friend She Needed

The Friend She Needed
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She was raised not to trust people
They would take her secrets and use them
So she spent her time alone in her room
Until she finally one friend who she could trust
A wild bird who she saw from her bedroom
A jet black angel with a heart of gold and the love she needs



Monday, October 10, 2022

A Grown-up Fairy Land

A Grown-up Fairy Land
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Just before November snows
There is a month of candy and ghosts
A favorite of all children thoughout the land
Do parents know that really doesn’t matter
They drive so many miles every weekend
Looking for a treasure nature provides
On every tree, in every field, and on every road
Golds, yellows, reds, and oranges
Pumpkins, haystacks, and beautiful sunsets
October becomes a fairy land created for adults

© Poem – X/XI/MMXXII


Saturday, October 8, 2022

Her Place

Her Place
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Every year beginning the day she was born
She appears on the edge of her special place
There to celebrate her single day
No one goes with her
She would never allow that
It is her place and her time
A place to share her dreams and wishes
And just a few moments to be her

© Poem – X/IX/MMXXII


Friday, October 7, 2022

My Delicious Destiny

My Delicious Destiny
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Try as you might
I do not feel guilt
God made me to eat meat
Roasted, barbecued or sauteed
With mushrooms or onions
It is really not my decision
It is just my destiny



I Will Rise

I Will Rise
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You may be able to hurt me
You may be able to make me suffer
You may even be able to kill me
But I am stronger than you think
I will rise up stronger than before
My soul burning with resolve
And I will promise you one thing
You will never be able to hurt me again



Don’t You Dare

Don’t You Dare
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It has been a very long time
The world has changed so much
Don’t you ever dare not accept everything
The rules have changed and not for the better
You cannot believe anything you hear
Governments tell you what you can see
Many even tell you what to think
You are supposed to cover your eyes
Plug up your ears and gag your mouth
All in an effort to keep you stupid
Live your whole life without asking questions
And never believe any answers you hear
The governments want it that way
That way they keep their job
And all of their millions



Wednesday, October 5, 2022

His Big Girl

His Big Girl
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Wearing her prettiest
She waits for her daddy
So he can see his big girl

© Poem – X/VI/MMXXII


A Mystical, Magical Creature

A Mystical, Magical Creature
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Such a mystical, magical creature
So beautiful as you travel your world
With glassified wings
And the stars of a million galaxies
It is a precious treasure of nature

© Poem – X/V/MMXXII


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Cascade Of Flowers

The Cascade Of Flowers
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Dreamed about by a community
Planted on a Spring afternoon
Watered and cared for
Its beauty is beyond description
A cascade of falling flowers
With more colors than a rainbow
It will be loved and admired
So many when they stop by
Sadly for but a short time
Then it will be gone until Spring comes
And the cascade of flowers is planted again

© Poem – X/IV/MMXXII


Monday, October 3, 2022

The Blessing Of Charcoal

The Blessing Of Charcoal
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He saw her sitting alone on a windy bench
A beauty the likes of which he had never seen
Grabbing a stick he burned the tip
Making the best tool an artist could have
The charcoal from the stick moved easily
Capturing the woman’s visage perfectly

© Poem – X/IV/MMXXII


How Could I Not Love You

How Could I Not Love You
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I cannot believe we found each other
Knowing each other through a million texts
Words which show me a woman who I need
One full of affection and passion
But I can see you through a hundred photos
Your eyes show a woman full of love and hope
And your smile shows your love of life
With everything which makes you you
How could I not fall in love with you



Sunday, October 2, 2022

Fairy Tale Castle

Fairy Tale Castle
by Lord R.e. Taylor

There is a palace
Built on top of a cliff
So many questions remain
Is there a princess in your tower
Maybe one with long blonde hair
An evil stepmother wandering the halls
Are you guarded by medieval knights
Or a dragon hiding within your walls
You know there are stories
Telling about your true history
And even more myths are shared
However, none of that matters
You are a landmark for your country
Architecture to be admired
Hopefully a place which will last forever



Mother Nature’s Masterpieces

Mother Nature’s Masterpieces
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Mother Nature creates beauty
She never needs our help
Flowers made so graceful
With such beautiful colors
Swaying in a gentle breeze
Mother Nature’s perfect masterpieces

© Poem – V/II/MMXXII


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...