Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Complicated World

The Complicated World

The world has become so complicated
People never talk to people
Electronics do the talking for us
Our phones take away private time
We are never truly alone
Cars tell us where to go
And what we should see on the way
Newspapers aren’t made of paper
Delivered through the air to our screens
The same with books
Turning the page just isn’t cool anymore
200+ channels to make everyone a star
Even if you do not have talent you will be an idol
Concerts and sports are televised
So you don’t have to leave the house
God forbid you gather together with other people
The kids are called to dinner by email
Bullying doesn’t take place on the schoolyard
Even surgeries are done by doctors a thousand miles away
Everything is done without seeing the other person
When will the day come when things will get worse
People will completely forget how to talk to each other
It will be hard to remember what another human being looks like
Babies will be conceived through a website
And even a child’s rattle with be computerized
Whatever happened to the good old days
When people got to meet other people
Eat together or share a beer together
Even fight together
Without something telling them what to do
Or talking for them
This world is confusing
I pray for a return to the good old days
When a calculator was the only computer I owned

And I looked people in the eyes and said hello

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Remember The Rain

Remember The Rain
Think back
Remember when you were a child
When rain was a toy

To be played with
To be run in
Dance in
And laugh in
The days we were drenched
Warm water dripping in our hair
All over our faces
And the taste of nature’s purest water
Rolling down our tongues
We were so innocent
So amazed over the smallest things
When did that change
When did we stop playing with our toys
When did rain become something to avoid
Next time the clouds let loose
When rains fall to the ground
Return to that child you used to be
Go outside
Keep your clothes on
And just play

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I Need Quiet

I Need Quiet

I need a bomb
Not a big one
Nuclear would be nice
Not even a mega ounce
I need to kill them
They scream all night long
Screaming and whining
I cannot sleep
I cannot think
I just need to get rid of them
I think God made them
Placed them just to bug me
I plan
Think of ways to kill them
But they are always here
Maybe they are like cockroaches
Radiation won’t harm them
I think old school may be the way
A rock in a sling
Lobbed more than one hundred feet in the air
Aimed right
Aimed right on target
I want them dead
More than anything I have ever wanted
I should just stone those damn crows

And finally live my life in quiet

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Last Fairy

My Last Fairy

Mom and dad
Why did you tell me the truth
I was so young
Just a little child
Full of hope and faith
I believed in Santa Clause
The Easter Bunny and fairies
They were alive for me
You didn’t have to tell me
I didn’t want to know
Santa Clause is just a man in a suit
The Easter Bunny isn’t real
Fairies were just the stuff of stories
You didn’t watch as my youth died that day
You didn’t see me cry when I went to bed
You never told me
That would be the night my last fairy friend died
If only I would not have listened
If I would have followed my heart
That fairy would have been flying around my room

And maybe I would still believe in miracles

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Deepest Hatred

My Deepest Hatred

I hate you
Honestly, I cannot stand looking at you
You have become a pain in my ass
You don’t listen to me
You do whatever you want to do
Whenever you want to do it
You destroy my life
My work and my soul
I am so sorry we ever met
True, we have been close for so long
You have been my best friend
Ever since the moment you came into my life
Now, I would love to get rid of you
Throw you in the trash where you belong
Get you out of my life
I want to once again play games with you
Share my poetry and stories with you
To spend so many hours looking at funny cat videos
But, that time is over
Your keyboard doesn’t work the way it should
You mousepad is totally brain damaged
And even your grammar check doesn’t work
I am tired of you and Best Buy is having a sale
So you are gone
Left out on the stairs so someone else can have you
Maybe you’ll behave for them
All the while I play with my new best friend
A two terabyte angel
With a nineteen inch screen
And a wireless keyboard
I could say that I will miss you, but I won’t
So all I will say is goodbye
And you will be gone
Your battery will be dead
But you will not be mine

So, I couldn’t care less.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Unknown Soldier

The Unknown Soldier

So many thousands have died
So many needless wars
Every land in the world has one
A man who died
Fighting for his country
No one will ever know his name
How he died
Where he took his last breath
Still, he is honored
Never forgotten
He lies in a cold crypt
Alone with no family coming to mourn him
He rests
His soul looking down from Heaven
He knows that someone, somewhere loves him
Even though they don’t know where he is
They mourn for him
Even though they do not know that he was a hero
He is The Unknown Soldier
And, after all these years
He is a national hero
Someone to be respected and honored

Even if no one knows his name

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Distant Storm

The Distant Storm

Let the wind blow
Let the rain fall
Let the lightning strike
We have taken paradise
The paradise God had given us
Raped the land
Killed His creatures for sport
Poisoned the life-giving water
Made the air yellow with our wastes
Turned His paradise into our Hell
He is angry at what we have done
He has waited so long to say “that’s enough”
Let him rage
Let His anger be seen by all
Take the warnings from the sky
Let the wind blow
Let the rain fall
Let the lightning strike
Just remember what it means
He is angry
He is tired of the man He created
And it is His way of telling us to stop
Before He does it for us

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Steel Door

The Steel Door

The back of a bar
Garbage cans
Empty kegs
Passed out drunks
And an alley that goes nowhere
A closed steel door leads to the stage
I can hear the music as a band plays
The beautiful sound of Jamaican Reggae
If I had just a couple dollars
Maybe I could buy a beer inside
But my pockets are empty
Not a penny to my name
So I listen through the door
My mind imagines the band
The bar patrons dancing
Glasses of golden paradise being served
Yet, here I sit
A wooden pallet as my barstool
A few drops of gin from a bottle
Dropped by a homeless man who passed by
That will be my Friday night
And many more Friday nights to come
At least until I can get a couple dollars

And I can make it to the other side of that steel door.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Let Me Read To You

Let Me Read To You

Let me read to you
Tell you the stories my mother told me
Hear the words I read
Let your mind wander
Seeing the world of fairies and angels
Princesses and heroes
Learn that love really exists
The hope is in everything
Let me read to you as you fall asleep
So you may dream of happiness
And the nightmares will be kept away
Let me read to you
Because I love you and I want you to be happy
So that you may write your own fairy tales
And you will read them to your children

So, let me read to you

Monday, October 6, 2014



The world is crumbling around you
Everything you knew is gone
Your mummy and daddy
In graves a city away
Taken from you for no reason
Other than the anger of others
Hang on little one
There are lights in your future
You can see them in your eyes
In the eyes of the puppy you hold
Someday the anger will end
Your world will again be happy
But for now love your puppy
Hold it tight to your chest
Treasure it as you would your life
It will always be there for you
Filled with the love you lost
My dream is that you name it Hope
Because that is what you need right now
You need to hold onto Hope

As long as you can

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

It is so sad to see a teddy bear
Left all alone
Where is the child you loved
The one you comforted during the storms
The one who told you all their secrets
The one who promised they would always be your friend
The one you protected from the monsters under the bed
You know they didn’t mean to leave you
Drop you in a place where you may never be found
You know that they loved you too much for that
They have more secrets to share
There will be a million more storms
There will always be a monster under the bed
In that child’s mind
When they are frightened they will think of you
Remember that you were there for them
Remember that you kept them safe
And if you are lucky another child will find you
Take you home and share their secrets with you
Hide under the blankets with you in a storm
And show you the monsters who hide under their bed

Then maybe they will make you their bestest friend

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Perfect You

Perfect You

Little girl
Beautiful little girl
Why do you let others decide for you
How you should look
What body you should have
They do not know you
They have never seen you
The ones you look at
They are not real
They are airbrushed
They are made of plastic
You are the real girl
True to nature
Your hair may not be right
There may be a couple extra pounds
Don’t listen to magazines, TV or movies
Just remember
You are the way you should be

You are the perfect you

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blood Moon

Blood Moon

Look up at the sky
Watch Diana as she flies over
Her light casts dark red
The color of all she had defeated
It is a special night
When she shows her true self
For the world below to see
Pray to her on that night
Let her know that you see her
For in a few short hours
The true Diana will hide once again
Covered but the silver glow of the Moon
Blessed are the few moments we live for
The time when the blood moon rises
And the world is once again in a red light
That moment Diana will keep her promise
She will show us the heavens and the Earth
Show us life and death
She will show us the future and the past
So we stand and wait
Watching the horizon for the Moon to rise
And we will pray to Diana and all she offers

Then we will be blessed

Monday, July 21, 2014

Mother Nature's Blood

Mother Nature’s Blood

Watch Mother Naure bleed
Kill one of her children
Shoot that mother deer
Leave the fawn to fend for itself
You won’t take the meat
You won’t use the pelt
The deer died for your amusement
You didn’t care that she didn’t die right away
She laid on a pile of leaves
Watching her baby hidden in the bushes
You just walked away
Looking for another target as she took her last breath
The little fawn cried as her mother’s eyes closed
She snuggled to wake her mom up to play
But her mother was gone
The hunters left hours later
The more deer lay dead across the woods
More babies were left orphaned
Mother Nature bleeds with every death
She can feel an animal’s soul go to Heaven
Her blood covers the forest
Only to be washed away in the rain
The roses though
The beautiful white roses
They hold on to the blood
They hold on to the memories of the fallen
And they will show Mother Nature’s blood on their petals
There it will remain until the moment when the killing stops
And Mother Nature bleeds no more.

A Painting By Hitler

A Painting By Hitler

How did you make such beauty
Such perfect colors
Light and shadows set in just the right places
What were you thinking
Did you see the beauty of Austria
Did you imagine the people who lived in your art
Were they the blue-eyed blonde people you loved
Was your mind set away from the world you made
Or did you see every dead soldier in the colors
Was each brush-stroke marking someone else sent to the ovens
Why didn’t you paint the suffering you caused
The children and babies being killed at your whim
The old people who lived too long
The Jews, gays and gypsies who you hated for no reason
Why didn’t you paint them.
You will be remembered for all time
Not as an artist
You were never that good
You will be remembered as a murderer
You will be remembered as  lunatic
We will remember the millions you killed
The tortures you inflicted
We will mourn the people you killed
But no one will mourn youever

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Segregated

The Segregated

Sitting in the backyard garden
Waiting for the sun to rise
It comes too early to let me sleep
Too late to stop my mind from wandering
Thinking about the people who are segregated
Not allowed to live the life they should
For the majority they don’t exist
Primitives to be caged like animals
Not allowed to speak for themselves
Their lives are ruled by others
Others who live their lives a thousand miles away
They do not know those people
They have never met a single one of them
Yet they have to live as the others decide
Maybe if the sun rises on others
If it gives them time to think
The segregated will be seen as humans
And they will have a voice that someone will hear

Once again they will be human

Little One

Little One

Where is the little girl I knew?
The one who played hopscotch
With pigtails hanging down on her shoulders
I remember the freckles that covered your nose
You played baseball and you played with lizards
And you thought boys were yucky
That was so many years ago
You grew up until you were an adult
The freckles disappeared a lifetime go
The pigtails left long before that
You became a woman
Strong and beautiful
And boys are no longer yucky
I do have to tell you my Little One
When I see a picture of you now
I do not see the sexual woman the camera sees
I still see that little girl
Wearing pigtails and playing hopscotch
Playing baseball with the yucky boys
That is the girl I see and I always will

And that Little One will never change

Friday, June 13, 2014

I Died Today

I Died Today

I died today
I know that you will not shed a tear
You know my life was yours
I was sad when you left
I was so happy when you came hope
Still, I was scared at the same time
I didn’t behave the way you wanted me to
I did do bad things
I ate your shoes
I peed on the floor
You never taught me what you wanted
All I wanted to do was please you
My life was made whenever we went for a walk
You never had the time
So I sat by the door while you watched the TV
All I wanted was to be your friend
But you didn’t care
I know you loved me once
You played we me
We walked for miles
And I got all the petting you could give me
But, that doesn’t matter
I died today
Killed by a stranger in a white room
I do know that you will not cry
You will not even remember that I died today

Friday, May 9, 2014

Flea Market

Flea Market

What they say is true
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Aged, rusted power tools
Sold next to beautiful lace gowns
An eclectic collection of items
A teenage girl sells her precious Barbie collection
An old man searches for a fender for a ’56 Chevy
Someone has something someone wants
Someone wants something someone has
All for sale for pennies on the dollar
The sounds of dickering fill the air
Mating with the scents of homemade cakes
It is the world of every market around the world
No matter where it is located
It is a very public world that is its own culture
Its own language
Its own idiosyncrasies
And that is why I love it



I don’t know where they came from
I never invited them
One came first
Maybe to scout the area
To find a decent starting point
Then five more
And then ten
The more I killed the more came
Toxic chemicals hid them from view
Still they came in ever-increasing numbers
I may fight on
I will fight until the day I die
Or the day I decide to shave my head
Even though the battle makes me want to pull my hair out
One by one or by the handful
No matter what
I will not allow the grey hairs win
I am just too young to surrender
Besides that I like my brown way too much for that.

Third Row Angel

Third Row Angel

Watching my television
The first baseball game I have been home for
Eight innings
Five strikeouts
Seventeen hits
A score of four to two
Yet, I never saw any of it
I watched the home plate shots
Shots made from centerfield
I could see you in the third row
Long blonde hair
Legs all the way up to your ass
You were perfection in a Tampa Bay Rays jersey
My heart broke when you went to get a beer
Your empty seat started at me
My heart stopped
My breathing went shallow until I saw you return
A pair of short pants and a Red Solo Cup
My team lost the day
Beaten to a bloody pulp
But I didn’t care
My only thoughts were simple
Are you a season-ticket holder
Will you once again be my third row angel
I will see tomorrow at seven o’clock
When ESPN is once again on my TV
And the umpire yells “Play Ball!”
Once again, if you are there the game will not matter
Too bad it will be a good game

I Don't Trust My Computer

I Don’t Trust My Computer

I don’t trust my computer
I won’t let it sleep
I know it dreams
That’s what bothers me
Is it wondering how to ruin my life
Then again is it truly asleep
It knows I have erectile dysfunction
It knows I dream about that redhead down the hall
It knows when I can sleep and when I can’t
I know sometimes it works for me as I sleep
Poems and stories on its screen I don’t remember writing
I also know it tortures me mentally
Showing pornographic pop-ups when my wife walks in
Ordering a lawn tractor for my fifth floor walk up
Saved emails sent at all hours of the night
I always trusted my pen and paper
The photo album I kept in my dresser
Still, I never trusted my computer
At least not since the lawn tractor was delivered today
So I will go and I will think
While I ride the tractor and cut my carpet
Maybe I can still trust my cell phone
At least until it butt dials one to many times
That will be the end
I will never trust a microchip again

Monday, March 31, 2014

Turkey Love

Turkey Love

Such a noble species
The royalty of American birds
It struts proudly
Flying wild or farm bred
It creates awe wherever it is seen
The turkey has history in its line
Loved and worshipped by the people
The turkey was as American as the eagle
It was almost the national bird
Almost the pride of America
It survives by the millions
Besides all of that one thing in our minds
They make one hell of a great sandwich
And that is all we need to know

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Let The Light Shine

Let The Light Shine

Let the light shine
Cutting through our lives
Showing that there is hope
Despite what you see
What you hear
Or what you know
Somewhere the light is shining
Showing people how to live
How to change to end the darkness
What need to be done to survive
The light will become brighter
More intense as people learn
As people accept differences
Thinking they don’t understand
Losing hatred raised from ignorance
Let them all know the truth
The light will shine
Knowledge will grow
And life will be better

If we let the light shine

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Standing on the corner
Afraid to make a choice
Eyes dart back and forth
Trying to find the way to go
Any way to turn
No sense going back
I’ve seen what is there
The other ways are unknowns
Are they better than what I left behind?
Could they be any worse?
I just don’t know
I don’t want to know
There has to be a way to live
Without making such a decision
For now I will just stand here
Looking and watching all around
Thinking about my life
Where I want it to go
Then I will go back to where I started
And leave the unknown until tomorrow

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Gremlin In The Computer

Gremlin In The Computer

Working all day
Struggling all night
It has ti be done
It has to be perfect
Not one misspelled word
Every period has to be in place
Illustrations have to tell the story
So many times I watched the sun go down
Just to see in come up again
Gallons of Pepsi
Dozens of bologna sandwiches
My eyes droop as I look at the screen
Typing and importing pictures
I have come to hate every word
Dreading open my computer is frightful
I know what is there waiting for me
It is finished on a cold winter’s night
Everything is just the way I want it
Beautiful and articulate
It is a masterpiece
If only the gremlin wasn’t there
Watching as I hit the button to print
Looking at the computer starts to make it real
It watches as the pdf starts to print
All the words come one by one
While the picture come
It steals them one by one
Leaving only blank pages
Again and again I try
Again and again the pictures disappear
The frustration grows
The curse words flow
But the gremlin just laughs
God I need a drink
A handful of pills
And three days of sleep
But that won’t come
Not yet
Not until that pdf is finished
Not until the gremlin is chased from my sight
Only then I will alow myself to relax
To drink
And lastly to sleep
Until my next project
When the little demon returns

And it starts all over again

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...