Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Normal Park Bench

The Normal Park Bench

It was just a normal park bench
Wood and metal
It was like so many others
Still, to him it was special
The most special place on Earth
It was where he met his only true love
Where they met every day for lunch
Where they shared their first of many kisses
Where he first said “I love you”
And where she agreed to be his wife
They took their children and grandkids there to play
And after years they still went there for lunch
It was on that bench the she told him something
Something he didn’t want to hear
His only true love was dying
And there was nothing they could do
For years he went to the bench for lunch
He talked to her as if she was still there
One day he left a flower at lunchtime
That bench never saw him again
And once again, it was just a normal park bench
Wood and metal

It was like so many others

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