Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tribute To A Grocery Cart

Tribute To A Grocery Cart

I see it outside the store
Wait for me
Calling to me
Offering to help my aching feet
Making it easier to walk the aisles
But, I know it is evil
It knows just how much money I have
Not a penny less or a penny more
It leads me past the cookies
Past the candy
And past all the things I shouldn’t eat
Then it takes me to the register
Carrying all the junk I didn’t need
To a girl with the sweetest smile
She knows its power
She counts up my items
Dollar by dollar she adds to the total
I know it is laughing at me
I know I have spent every last cent
Then it follows me to the car like an old friend
Helps me by waiting until I unload
Then it laughs again as I realize
That I had forgotten the milk I went in to buy
And it gets taken back into the store
To wait calmly for another victim
While I sit and curse that lonely grocery cart

The demon of the supermarket

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