Monday, August 29, 2016

American Soldier

American Soldier

He is so young
Barely a man
But he has not seen it all
Yet, he has seen too much
He has killed men
And saw his brothers killed
He watched blood sink in the sand
He knows the horrors of the world
All in a war old men created
Still, he has life in his eyes
A smile on his face
He is a miracle
God has blessed him with hope
He is the bravest of them all
He is an American soldier

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Where Is She

Where Is She

When I was younger
I knew a little girl
She ran around
Didn’t mind getting dirty
And she never cried
Just because of a skinned knee
She climbed and fell from trees
And rode a skateboard like an ace
Rugby, football and baseball were her games
And she played every one of them
More than once beating the boys
Still, she was cute as could be
Whether she was in a dress
Or a pair of ripped jeans
She still laughed at everything
I admired her so much
Because of how she lived her life
But, time has passed
The balls of her sports
They changed into high heels
She now keeps her feet on the ground
And she never smiles of laughs
The girl I knew so long ago died with time
But, part of her still remains
Hidden under the thick shell of your life
Let het out in the air
Even if just for a moment
And if you can find a way
She may stay out in the open
And you can once again climb that tree

Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Pebble

A Pebble

So calm
Not even a ripple
No wind blows
To break the calm
Natures perfection
Covered by a soft white mist
So, for a short time
It is unknown
The place to meditate
To contemplate the universe
And where we fit in
Then, once a pebble is tossed in
Everything changed
The ripples spread and fade
But, that pond will never be the same
And that may not be good
It neither may be bad
There is no way to know
How the world has changed

Just because of a pebble

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Old Typewriter

The Old Typewriter

A thousand stories have been written
On a typewriter no one uses anymore
Replaced with a characterless computer
It still has so many stories to tell
Storms and wars, floods and drought
Heroes who go to the dark side
Villains who save the damsel in distress
There are a million words of love
And another million of fantasy
All hidden within its keys
All it takes is someone to forget the present
Look at a friend from so many years ago
Feel the worn surfaces of the keys
Listen to the unique sound they make when they hit the paper

And let it take you into a place you never imagined



God knows I don’t want to be normal
I want to stick out in a crowd
You have everyone look at me
And have them ask, “what in the hell is that”
I never want to wear a suit and tie
I want to go out in short pants and a muscle shirt
Black in color with a big dragon head on the front
I want to go into Macca’s and order a Whopper
And drink a forty year old New Coke
While eating a whole case of Twinkies
I never want to comb my hair or trim my beard
I want to wear glasses Elton John would turn down
I want to listen to the William Tell Overture
With lyrics added from Vanilla Ice
Maybe drive the wrong way on the freeway
Or hitchhike in the middle of the road
God knows I don’t want to be normal
I just want to be me
With all my quirks and strangeness
So accept me for who I am
Because I am not going to ever change
No matter who or what

I will always be the best me I can be

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Stairway To Heaven

Stairway To Heaven

I have tried to live a good life
Be a good person
And lived the way I should
But, I am still scared
To walk up the stairs
And enter the light above
What awaits me when I am judged
What will Saint Peter think of me
Will God come off his golden throne
And will He tell me to “go to Hell”
I do not want to go up that staircase
I don’t even want to stand on the first step
Maybe I’ll just stay here and they won’t notice me
Or maybe I will just never die
And I can live forever in my Hell on Earth
Without ever seeing those stairs again
And not going up to be judged

At least until they get an elevator

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Cycle Of The World

The Cycle Of The World

The world began in darkness
Sulfur and smoke filled the air
Fire covered every inch of land
Hardening and melting
Again and again as continents rose
For four billion years the world changed
The land cooled and the skies cleared
Life appeared and died over and over again
An apparent never ending circle
Still, as time went on the world changed again
Storms and flooding appeared out of nowhere
The land shook violently as the world changed
Volcanoes once again filled the air with sulfur and smoke
And the life which was created began to suffer and die
When it is all over the world will once again be virgin
Void of everything which lived upon its surface
There will be nothing but fire, sulfur and smoke
And the cycle will begin again

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Thinking About Knees

Thinking About Knees

I have had two friends all of my life
They have been with me before I took my first steps
Now, sixty years on I know that my knees have had a hard life
I crawled on them over carpet, wood and grass
There were so many times I landed on them when I fell
And I knelt on them when I asked her to marry me
Rarely I massage them or give them soothing lotions
Even grown I crawled on them more than I wanted
Those nights when I hung out with Jack and Jim
They never once complained until I got older
Now, they never stop screaming so loud my legs hurt
I make noises now that I never heard before
Whenever I stand, sit, crouch, get up or even move
So now I have learned a lesson I should have learned long ago

I’ll need to be kinder to my knees from now on

Friday, August 5, 2016


You were so happy when you were young
Even happier when God gave you a child
You had a house and a job
And a man who loved you with his heart
Then your world changed
You lost your job and your home
You man left with everything you owned
You had no money
No food for your child
When you asked for help
You were turned away
Told no, no, no
The suffering got to be too much
You could no longer look into your child’s eyes
Seeing the pain and hunger in her body and soul
And you could not longer hear her ask you
“Mommy, where are we going to sleep tonight”
If only someone, anyone would have said yes
Your child would still be laughing and smiling
Playing with other children
You would have had a slight glimmer of hope
And you wouldn’t have done what you did
And two lives wouldn’t have been lost
All because of a single word
All because of “no”

If you are homeless PLEASE call

 1-800-621-4000  for help

Thursday, August 4, 2016

He Made a Home

He Made A Home

There was an architect
More than 600 million years ago
Living alone in the jungle
He taught himself secrets
Geometry, dynamics and tensions
Ideas which are still being mastered
He built his home and caught his food
Mated and had children
All in the home he built
With the knowledge he will pass down
Through billions of generations
His design was never changed
Never improved
After 600 million years
A billion generations
It is still the home of that architect
Who thought ahead of his time
And made a home

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

None Of The Above

None Of The Above

I am so tired of it
The media is so confusing
Fox says one thing
Then says the opposite
CNN does the same
Trump is a hero
Then he is a racist
Clinton is a saint
Then she is a liar
How are we to know
What the truth really is
To be honest
I am going to run for president
But, I will not use my name
You can vote for me to say what you feel
Vote for “none of the above”

And see what the news does with that

Monday, August 1, 2016



We haven’t known each other so long
But we fell in love right away
I had no idea it would be so short
When I would have to say good-bye
It may be for just weeks or months
It could be for years of forever
I promise you that I will write
Even when I am hiding from the bullets
And the enemy has us surrounded
I will tell you that I love you
There will always be another letter for you
And if I die climbing a ridge
The last thought I have will be of you
And when God asks me what I did wrong
I will say that I said good-bye to you

And that was my only mistake in life

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...