Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Where Is She

Where Is She

When I was younger
I knew a little girl
She ran around
Didn’t mind getting dirty
And she never cried
Just because of a skinned knee
She climbed and fell from trees
And rode a skateboard like an ace
Rugby, football and baseball were her games
And she played every one of them
More than once beating the boys
Still, she was cute as could be
Whether she was in a dress
Or a pair of ripped jeans
She still laughed at everything
I admired her so much
Because of how she lived her life
But, time has passed
The balls of her sports
They changed into high heels
She now keeps her feet on the ground
And she never smiles of laughs
The girl I knew so long ago died with time
But, part of her still remains
Hidden under the thick shell of your life
Let het out in the air
Even if just for a moment
And if you can find a way
She may stay out in the open
And you can once again climb that tree

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