Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Artist?

The Artist?
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He called himself an artist
Thinking he created only masterpieces
No one thought that
He had no talent
Except in his mind


Friday, October 30, 2020

Just Imagine

Just Imagine
By Lord R.e. Taylor

What can you imagine
You can be anything you want to be
Do anything you want to do
Be whoever you want to be
All you have to do is let go
Let your mind fly without limits
And do not be rational
The rules of real do not exist
No matter what you want
It is there for the taking
All you have to do is imagine


Where Are The Pumpkins

Where Are The Pumpkins
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Where did all the pumpkins go
There used to be so many
Carved with scary faces
Lit from the inside by candles
The smell of burning pumpkins
It was so well known
But just for that one night
Now, the pumpkins are all gone
The kids in costumes are all gone
And Halloween is just another day
Well, maybe it will be back
But that is a big maybe
Especially in today's world


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Early Morning Paradise

Early Morning Paradise
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Nothing could ever be better
Waking just as the sun comes up
Leaving the house and the neighborhood
Going on into the country
Where meadows stretch to the horizon
A nice cool mist fills the air
Just before it settles as morning dew
Maybe a deer or two just hanging out
That is such a rare sight
Love, peace, and serenity
All in that one place in reality
At that one moment in time
And it is there just for you


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sailing On A Country River

Sailing On A Country River
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I do not want a boat
No sail nor an engine
No paddles or oars
I need only a few pieces of wood
It does not have to be good wood
I just want to nail it together
A warm sunny day would be nice too
Let me drift until the sun goes down
Pull up on that distant shore
And leave my “ship” for another to enjoy
That is just the way us river folk think


Tuesday, October 27, 2020


By Lord R.e. Taylor

I am stressed
You are stressed
The whole world is stressed
Everyone is angry
Over the least little thing
Nobody laughs anymore
Seriousness is the new air
Here is an interesting idea
Everyone everywhere
Just stop and take a breath
Have a beer or two or three
Maybe just chill a bit
The stress will go down
The world will smile
And all this crap will finally be over


Monday, October 26, 2020

Our Lock

Our Lock
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I know you know how I feel
How many times I have said “I love you”
Thought I always wanted to do something
Something different from most people
Not flowers, paper hearts, or chocolate
Something that will never go away
So, my darling join on the coast of the bay
We can place the lock which holds our hearts
We will know that as long as the lock lasts
I will be in love with you forever


A Snake’s Crime

A Snake’s Crime
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You got a bum rap
Giving man all the sins
You made the offer
A juicy piece of fruit
And humanity is screwed
But who gave you the idea
It must have been someone special
Someone who didn’t like something
Maybe held a grudge against Adam and Eve
Someone kicked out of Eden before that pair
Before Cain and Able walked around
We will never know the truth
You got blamed for the events
And, ever since snakes have been punished
Over a piece of fruit and an evil plot


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Playing Games

Playing Games
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I love playing Hide And Seek
You love playing too
Jumping on my head as I sleep
Fighting with yourself in the mirror
And chasing birds in the backyard
But Hide And Seek just isn’t your game


Saturday, October 24, 2020

I Miss The Ice

I Miss The Ice

By Lord R.e. Taylor

I grew up surrounded by ice

At least five months each year

Fate carried me to the tropics

Palm trees and flowers

But no cold weather and no ice

Strangely, I miss the ice

© Poem – 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

The Worthless Man

The Worthless Man
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He really does not care
He has been hurt too many times
Told he cannot do what he wants
That his dreams did not matter
And that he was worthless
It is hard for him to know better
He heard it all his life
All it may take is just a word from you
Maybe a smile or two
He might start to believe in himself
Maybe find a way into society
And stand proud where he belongs


Friday, October 23, 2020

His Green Heaven

His Green Heaven
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Raised in the desert
Nothing but beige and blue
He imagined another place
Hills of the greenest green
A Heaven he could never reach


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Peace At The Bay

Peace At The Bay
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The sun set a few minutes ago
The sky still has traces of amber
The moon is just starting to be seen
And the stars are resting on the horizon
Small waves lap upon stony shores
Two seabirds swim by in the dim light
Somehow that all combines
Together to create a few moments of peace
To be enjoyed with someone you love
And a nice, hot cup of coffee


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


By Lord R.e. Taylor

When you looked him
What do you see
A mild madness peeking out
Orr maybe full-blown lunacy
He knew what people said
Sometimes he heard them talk
He knew that he was different
But he never saw insanity within him
So, he locked himself away
In a cage hidden in his mind
Stories and poetry
They were his only lifeline to reality
However, not enough to keep his mind
He died as he had lived
Stories told and retold 
None the truth and none are lies
He became a legend, and the stories grew
Now he is no longer a legend
He has become his own history
And now he will live on forever


No Signal Desert

No Signal Desert
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It is really bad
Like you are lost in a desert
Or crashed on another world
And we have made it like that
No bars and no internet
The entire everything is gone
With no chance to get it back
We cry, we shake, and we wander
Aimlessly searching for a magical land
One where we can check our email
And take our turns in gin rummy
For better or worse that is our lives
Now and forever more


Monday, October 19, 2020

Be Stupid

Be Stupid
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Do something unexpected
Something annoying
Just enough to make you laugh
But not quite enough to get arrested
And make the day a little bit fun
Start laughing for no reason
Start calling out bingo numbers
Especially when there is no game
Or be as stupid as you want to be
Don’t care what anyone thinks
They don’t matter anyway
Just have a lot of fun and be you
THAT is what matters


A Few More Steps

 A Few More Steps

By Lord R.e. Taylor

I look for the path to end

The last few feet are a blessing

Very few recognize and fewer take the chance

They do not know a new world just a step away

Places no one has ever seen

Where man’s breath was never shared

And plant and animals live free lives

Exactly the way they were meant to

It was not easy to find

You have to have a strong faith

Paths are made by people who don’t take chances

Without the courage to walk an extra step

Travel without a detailed map

Or at least a guide to show them the way

Relaxing From A Bad Year

Relaxing From A Bad Year
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I need to find a place
Sun shining above
A strong, cool breeze
And a cold glass of beer
Let me just lay back
Take it all in a just relax
If I fall asleep
Just let me go
I deserve it after this year
Don't you agree?


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Historical Journey

Historical Journey
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Let's take a trip
Not by car, plane or bus
We should go a way
Hundreds of years old
Maybe in an old coal-burner
With a thick blue of smoke
The sound of the wheels
Rumbling along the steel tracks
A conductor calling out stops
Landscapes rushing by
Looking like an endless painting
And a hundred people going along
Sharing the ride with you
Nobody rides the trains anymore
They do not know what they are missing
A long forgotten history
That should never have been forgotten


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Red Dirt Road

Red Dirt Road
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Leave the asphalt behind
Back with the city lights
Let’s find us some red dirt
A small backroads town
Finding the town’s only saloon
A blonde at the end of the bar
Smiling and downing a beer or two
That would be the flawless day
And the perfect end to a hectic week


Friday, October 16, 2020

Rest My Friend

Rest My Friend
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Never has I had such a friend
Loyal to each other
We traveled across the land
So many towns and villages
My heart tells me now is the time
Rest my friend and be happy


Girl With No Name

Girl With No Name
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I know you have a name
You must have been given one
A name that fits you perfectly
One with beauty and intelligence
With grace and endless charm
Still, I hazard to make a guess
My mind cannot find one that is you
Maybe you will tell me, but maybe not
I might not be the man to know you
That, I guess, will be my loss


Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Field Sparkles

The Field Sparkles
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The dewdrops fall 
The second the Sun rises 
Shining and sparkling
Covering the world below
Perfect little gems
More beautiful than a perfect diamond
They only last a moment
A fleeting treasure
Shared by a chosen few
Then they are gone
At least until the Sun rises again
And the world sparkles again


Reading Magic

Reading Magic
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It does not take long
Everyone can do it
You just have to relax
Open up a book
And let the words take you
Do not think too much
Everything is possible
Nothing cannot be done
You just have to believe
And let the story own you
That is the magic of reading
Reality is what your imagination creates
So, enjoy yourself in your new world


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Holiday Season

The Holiday Season
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Such a great time of year
It lasts just four months
A rare time when families gather
So many holidays from so many cultures
All coming just weeks apart
They could not have worked out better
Times to share food and drink
Some sharing of favorite things
And getting to know each other again
On January 2nd, after the season finished
Memories and stories of the times together
Will be told over and over again
In their own way, keeping the families together
Maybe helping with a few smiles
And the ever-increasing love families share


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...