Monday, September 16, 2024

Your Real Love

Your Real Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I am really surprised I didn’t see it
You never needed to find a man
 It is easy to see now that you knew all the time
You figured out something very few people know
The truest love you can find can show up anytime
Even when you hold your first furry friend close
That love you both will have can never be beaten
And we all know that the two of you will last forever
Just the way love is supposed to be



Friday, September 13, 2024

He Is Leaving

He Is Leaving
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Seeing what man has done
Never realizing the hated that was born
Brothers killing brothers
All for the stupidest of reasons
Is there any doubt why He turned His back
We should have seen it coming
Will He ever come back to us
There is very little chance of that
We lost that possibility a very long time ago
He has more important things to do
And we just don’t matter anymore



The Helpful Man

The Helpful Man
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He was a unique kind of man
Always thinking about others
Helping any way he could
Even if it left him with nothing
No one ever hurt around him
But when the time came
When he was left with nothing
Not one person was there to help
No one even offered him a penny
They just turned their backs
But he was still a happy man
He did all that he could for everybody
And that was who he was
The only decent man he knew
And he was proud of that



Wednesday, September 11, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Looking at you
I see your fight
Clawing to get out
Sadly, it is hopeless



His Silent Love

His Silent Love
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He didn't always know what to do 
Just trying was difficult 
But he knew that he loved her 
And that he wanted her in his life
He just could never find the words 
So he stays his distance from her 
Silently knowing he has loved her 
And he always will



The Ancient Walkway

The Ancient Walkway
by Lord R.e. Taylor

There is no way to know for sure
How old that ancient walkway is
But you cannot help to feel inspired
The first time you take a step
Who could have walked here
What history does it hold inside
Could you be walking in the steps of Christ
Or a survivor  of The Battle Of Cannae
Maybe it just held members of families
There is no way to know for sure
But it will rock your world by guessing



Monday, September 9, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

It may be scary
Out on a lake in a sailboat
And the wind just dies
Treasure that time of complete silence
The world will go on
And you could not care less



Sunday, September 8, 2024

Living All Alone

Living All Alone
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Raised with a massive family
He had so many brothers and sisters
The family stopped counting at six
Maybe there were more...nobody knew
He had to fight to watch television
To get food he liked or even new clothes
But now he lives a quiet life all alone
And he misses every damn one of them



Saturday, September 7, 2024

All You Need To Know

All You Need To Know
by Lord R.e. Taylor

So many “experts” write books
How to do this and how to do that
You know, “The Idiots Guide To Whatever”
They may help some people
Others think of them as jokes
To be ridiculed and laughed at
But no one has ever written the right book
It should be titled “All You Need To Know”
A book of knowledge we all need to know
Things we know we should say
How we should behave when things happen
Basically, how to be us
Not even a better us
Just how to be us
Maybe I will just go check in the bookstores
But I do not think anyone has had the guts to write it



Thursday, September 5, 2024

Never Ending

Never Ending
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It has been so long since we talked
I dream of every kiss we ever shared
Everything I looked into your eyes
And every moment of the life we shared
I just wish I knew then that it would all end
I would have told you a million times over
The only thing my heart really wanted you to know
I love you every minute, every day and every year

© Poem – IX/V/MMXXIV


Take The Side Roads

Take The Side Roads
by Lord R.e. Taylor

My father always said
Take the straightest route
It is always the safest way to go
Trod by all sensible people
I found that yes, it may be safe
And well trodden by everyone else
The most beautiful scenery
And the most interesting people
Are always on the side roads
Waiting for the people who are like them
Those special ones who take detours in life

© Poem – IX/V/MMXXIV


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

It Will Happen

It Will Happen
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I hate to say it
I even hate to think it
But it will happen someday
With the way the world is
It just has to
The people who lead us
They are quickly working toward WW3
It will not be fought with soldiers
No one will fire a gun
All it will take is a finger on a button
Oh yeah, and a twisted mind
No one will survive the missiles
So, who will win and who will lose
No one and everyone
So, when you have the chance
Use YOUR finger to choose good leaders
Only then everyone will live



Sunday, September 1, 2024

Change Your World

Change Your World
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Sometimes things do not look right
Things may be missing
Or they may just look wrong
If you feel that way sometimes
Maybe you can change things
Create a more perfect world
All you need is a place where you are happy
Some untouched imagination
Then you can have the beauty you want
And a world that you deserve

© Poem – IX/I/MMXXIV


Your Real Love

Your Real Love By Lord R.e. Taylor I am really surprised I didn’t see it You never needed to find a man  It is easy to see now that you knew...