Monday, December 24, 2012

The Dark Side


The Dark Side

You want to know my mind
What I am thinking
Can you stand the darkness?
Will the demons scare you?
There are no prayers for hope
God would never tread these lands
What will you say of my twisted reality?
Is it because of drugs or alcohol?
Could it be the way I see life?
I know there is beauty in the world
I have heard so much about it
It’s hiding what you don’t want to see
Take a walk on the other side
See what I see
Dream what I dream
Let the words flow
Tell what you have seen
Take time to write a dark poem
Write of its beauty
Enjoy a world you have never known
Then return to your world
A world of flowers and bunnies
But know that darkness exists
And it is a part of your life

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Words

The Words

In the distance
I hear words of hope
Talking about love
Speaking of the end of war
Saying we are friends
We are brothers and sisters
We were born of God
Mother Nature was our mother
They do not want us to fight
The words echo through our being
Spoken by the wind
Shared by the animals and trees
The problem is we do not listen
We turn a deaf ear
Still the words keep repeating
Over and over again
Until the end of time
Then it will be too late
Our global family will be gone
No one left to listen
No one left to love

Saturday, December 22, 2012



Where did the balconies go?
Lovers can no longer read sonnets from below
Romantics can’t climb the vines to kiss their true love
Couples need a new way to elope
Romeo cannot woo his fair Juliet
Love is truly lacking inspiration
Where did all the balconies go?
I do not know but in today’s world
We need just one
Built for romantics and lovers
And the idea of love

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reflective Memories

Reflective Memories

The dark light of loneliness
Shining off of reflective memories
All of the saddest moments of my life
The times I wanted to die
The times I fought back for one more breath
Memories of my still birth so many years ago
My first lost love when I was only six
The dog my father had put down while I was at school
My mother's death when I needed her the most
Lies that people have to me to keep me quiet
If the universe would end tomorrow
If I would struggle for my last breath
I would have something to say
To let everyone how I felt about my life
I say just one line of three little words
Those would be “It's about time”
Then I could rest with the pain behind me
And it's about time

The End of Life

The End of Life

I have only a few minutes left
The end of the world is coming fast
Just ninety minutes
So little time to do what I wanted
Not enough to love a beautiful woman
Not enough to sing a song of peace
Not enough to have a really great meal
Not enough to be smarter than a fifth grader
Maybe not enough to drink enough to forget
It will be enough to confess my sins
To make make amends to any spirit I have offended
I will have enough time to look at the sky
To take the time to look at the stars so far away
So many planets
So many stars
So much life
Why are we the chosen ones
Given a warning of when we are going to die
Doesn't anyone else have a 12/21/12
It just ain't fair!

A Love Poem

A Love Poem

I have been writing for hours
Trying to find just the right words
I want to tell you of love
And how I feel about you
The night comes and then the morning
I know what I want to say
The right words just will not come
My finger strike the keys
Words appear on the screen
They are the perfect words
Written with all of the love I have
I look at them and smile
The computer flickers
The screen goes blank
My perfect words are gone
Lost somewhere in the universe
If only I would have hit save
If only

Thursday, December 13, 2012

One Second

One Second

One second
Not a lot of time
A mere speck in the universe
Enough time to fall in love
Too little time to get to know someone
Enough time to have an idea
Too little time for a second thought
Enough time to say the wrong thing
Too little time to take it back
Enough time for a single heartbeat
Too little time to live your life
Enough time to create a memory
Too little time to remember
Enough time to be born
Too little time become who you are
One second is such a short time
Almost unnoticed as it clicks by
Yet it can be so important
It is enough time to die
Too little time to be mourned
It is just one second
What does it really matter?

Friday, December 7, 2012

American Reality

American Reality

Is this the American dream?
Food lines around the block
Families run out of their homes
Tent cities destroyed and rebuilt
Children living in cars
People begging on the streets
The elderly digging for pennies
To find enough to buy their dinner
A nightly can of generic dog food
While the rich eat their prime cut filet
And sleep in nice soft beds
They take their billion dollar bonuses
Never looking around at real life
They pass the poor, the children and the elderly
Not even taking the time to look at them
We starve and struggle just to live
They live the American dream
We sit, pray and hope
For just a second of the American dream
Instead of living the American nightmare

Thursday, December 6, 2012



It has been so long
You left my life
I left yours
No tears
No good byes
One day neither of us were there
All that is left is a box
Not even wrapped with a ribbon
Notes that you sent me
Poems I never gave to you
A picture of the two of us
Taken the day we fell in love
But, all of it has turned to dust
Blown away be a passing breeze
It has been too long

The Deer

The Deer

Walking through the woods
Silently across the snow
Leaving a row of tracks
The man hides in a tree
Looking down into the forest
His eyes catch a faint motion
Down below a deer looks up
Their eyes meet for a second
A gun is leveled
A trigger is pulled
A bullet flies into the air
No more deer

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 22nd

December 22nd

I am not worried
There is nothing I can do to stop it
History says the world will end
It knows when it will happen
Yet, it doesn't know how life will end
Will it be from the wrath of God
A drastic change in the weather
Maybe man will cause it
After all we have tried for all of time
Guns and gases
Bombs made to destroy a planet
All offered by the gods of old
Created by man to kill his brother
If it happens I want to be the last to die
I want to say that the rotten bastards finally did it
Then take a gun and blow my head off
But I am not worried
I am not scared
I am sure that the sun will rise again
People will wake from their nervous sleep
And December 22nd will be just another day

Monday, December 3, 2012



Today is the day
A day to just chill
Learning to enjoy life
Without the stress of the day
A frosty can of cold beer
A chair positioned just the right way
With a sexy woman on my lap
And an old movie on AMC
The sun shines in the window
The day is so beautiful outside
Yet here I sit with nothing to do
Nowhere to go and all the time in the world
Today a day I have dreamed about
A day that will never come again
But who cares
Tomorrow is for all of the other stuff
Today is just for chilling
And I am going to enjoy it

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Will Never Know

I Will Never Know

I am just an old man
Living my life
More memories behind me
Fewer dreams before me
I have done things that seemed right
Things that I would never do again
Making love in forbidden ways
I remember every moment
Taste every flavor
Smell the wide variety of scents
Every sensation
All etched in my thoughts
Still my mind's eye is blind
It cannot see what I remember
Time has passed without mercy
Taking remnants of my life with it
The imagery has long since gone
I go on living without a past
Trying to resurrect a memory
A memory that my life has denied me
Maybe a memory I was not meant to remember
My mind's eye is blind
I will never know because it cannot see
Or maybe it will not see
I will never know

The Blue Flame

The Blue Flame

Laying alone in my bed
My past has become a blur
My future is still unknown
Memories are becoming fantasies
Fantasies are dying as they pass
I see myself burning in the bitter cold
A blue flame enveloping my body
Heat and cold in an unnatural blending
Yet the pain does not cause me discomfort
Instead a pleasant feeling encircles me
I do not understand what the flames are
I don't know who to thank
I will never know who to blame
I awake in the glow of the morning sun
All of my memories are gone
Shoved into a dark corner of my mind
Lost to decades of time
The flames shield me from a painful past
Hiding me from my lost loves
From the mistakes I made as a youth
They hide the things I may have said in haste
From the hatred I showed my fellow man
The flames burn as my protection
Protecting me from me
Allowing me to look to an unknown future
Without the painful images of my past

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...