Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Blue Flame

The Blue Flame

Laying alone in my bed
My past has become a blur
My future is still unknown
Memories are becoming fantasies
Fantasies are dying as they pass
I see myself burning in the bitter cold
A blue flame enveloping my body
Heat and cold in an unnatural blending
Yet the pain does not cause me discomfort
Instead a pleasant feeling encircles me
I do not understand what the flames are
I don't know who to thank
I will never know who to blame
I awake in the glow of the morning sun
All of my memories are gone
Shoved into a dark corner of my mind
Lost to decades of time
The flames shield me from a painful past
Hiding me from my lost loves
From the mistakes I made as a youth
They hide the things I may have said in haste
From the hatred I showed my fellow man
The flames burn as my protection
Protecting me from me
Allowing me to look to an unknown future
Without the painful images of my past

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