Monday, October 10, 2016

God’s Golden Eye

God’s Golden Eye

When I was a child
Every night I knelt beside my bed
Clasped my hands in front of my face
Closed my eyes
And bowed my head
And I asked God to bless my family
That was so many years ago
Before I became an adult
And prayers were just a waste of time
My life was going just as I had it planned
Money and fame came easily
And so did the cancer, which grew in my chest
Only then I remembered what my mother told me
“God is always watching even if you forget Him”
So, I climbed the highest mountain I could find
I dropped down onto my knees
Clasped my hands before me
Closed my eyes
And, for the first time in 30 years I prayed.
I didn’t pray for Him to save my life
I asked Him to watch after the woman I loved
And the children I would never see again
When I raised my head and opened my eyes
I looked up toward Heaven to see if God had heard me
Across the valley
Between the peaks of other mountains
I saw God’s golden eye looking down at me
And at that moment I just knew
My prayers would be answered

And everything would be just fine

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