Saturday, October 8, 2016



I know you are there
You puny humans
You actually think you can hide
You can stay within my fury
Don’t you know I control the winds
I control the rains and the lightning
I control the oceans and the waves
You are allowed to stay on my shores
Live in beautiful homes on the land
But I can wipe them away any time I want
And there is not a damn thing you can do
I will pass when I am finished with you
And you will feel safe
You will take your lives back
And you will be happy
Until I return with another name
Again, you will know I am coming
You will not heed the advice to leave
And again, I will destroy your lives
I may let you live this time
Then again, I may not
That is all up to me
So, don’t gamble
Don’t take the chance that I will show mercy
Don’t you forget that your ass is mine
And I don’t really care about you

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