Monday, August 31, 2020

Into The Sunset

Into The Sunset
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We have had a dream
To travel into a golden sunset
Leaving the day behind
While looking for tomorrow

Photo credit - Instagram


The Cure For Corona

The Cure For Corona
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There used to be a special place
Where drunken women met ugly guys
Fights started over stupid stuff
And EVERYONE could sing in tune (they think)
Even if they can’t remember the words
Alcohol brought drunk’s dreams to life
Hosted by Jack, Jim, Jose and Johnny
The party lasted until last call
It is just too bad that last call lasted six months
So, the party had to move
Had to be hidden from view
But the alcohol still flows
Drunk women still like ugly guys
Fights still happen
And people still cannot sing
Corona will never change that
Jack, Jim, Jose and Johnny are the perfect cure



By Lord R.e. Taylor

Night is such a terror
No chance for sleep
Too many ideas to deal with
None will be remembered
Monsters fill your mind with thoughts
Thoughts which make no sense
And birds scream outside the window
All you can do is pray
Pray for just a few seconds of sleep
But that is a prayer the gods won’t grant
It is their amusement watching you
All the positions you try
All the warm milk you drink
They know you will suffer
All because you have no choice
So, pray more and maybe a single god will take pity
So you can fall asleep before your alarm goes off
Just five minutes before
But beggers can’t be choosers


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Remember To Play

Remember To Play
By R.e. Taylor

Make time to play
Cherish each moment
You will grow up
Yet remember fun
And share it all you can
Before the sun sets on youth


The Humour Of The Larrikin

The Humour Of The Larrikin
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There was a time
Not so awfully long ago
Comedy was meant to be funny
Political correctness didn’t exist
In movies, television and live
Performers could be offensive
And no one ever cared
Humour was meant to be funny
Everyone knew that
And everyone laughed
No one cried, whined, or complained
A few performers gained god status
Now, they are considered demons
Times have completely changed
And the humour of the larrikin
Well, it became extinct
And the world is the worse off for it

Dedicated to the world’s best larrikin
George Carlin


Saturday, August 29, 2020

The You No One Knows

The You No One Knows
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I have known you all my life
But I don't really know you
There are so many secrets
About your life and your past
Where you came from
Where you hope to go
With your red hair and dark clothes
There is something about you
I can see something darkly magical 
A story told in ancient myths
And that frightens everyone 
Keeps all at a distance
Please tell us all about you
Give us a chance to know the real you
Instead of the you we created


Friday, August 28, 2020

Walk Through Atlantis

Walk Through Atlantis
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Use your mind
Bring back memories
Thousands of years old
So that you can walk with me
Down the streets of Atlantis
White marble paving
Welcome your every step
Countless temples line every block
Built to welcome countless gods
Buildings and statues made of silver and gold
Reach high enough to touch the clouds
And the people greet the new day
Making their land feel like yours
So, take a walk down the streets
Remember the glory of an ancient land
Remember what you have forgotten
And the magic of Atlantis will always survive


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye 

By Lord R.e. Taylor


It has been so long

More than a few years

I have missed you so much

And shed a thousand tears

But I know one thing

I can never again be your dear

So, I will sit and I will cry

From now until midyear

Then I will simply give up

And I will never persevere

I just have to say goodbye for now

Maybe I’ll just get another beer


A Piece Of History

A Piece Of History

By Lord R.e. Taylor

It is such a rare find

Only a few in a lifetime

If you are truly lucky

It would be a place out of time

A piece of history

A time from the past

Carried into the present

Someone deeply cared about it

And wanted it saved

If you find a place like that

A place which doesn’t fit in

Admire it and remember it

It won’t last forever


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lonely Sky

Lonely Sky

By Lord R.e. Taylor


A clear sky is such a beauty

Crystal azure covering the world

A sign of hope and peace

And provider of needed sun

In this time things have changed

The skies have become a new sign

A symbol of loneliness and despair

No one travels to other lands

Staying locked in their own land

Or they are stranded far away from home

Someday the sky will return

They will become a home once again

And it will again become a thing of beauty



Monday, August 24, 2020

Lady Nature

Lady Nature
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You are truly a princess
Not the ruler of any land
You, Milady, rule the world
All the animals and plants
Everything which makes life livable
We may not show it properly
We all worship all that you do
And we need you now more than ever
So please know that we have made mistakes
We humbly ask just one thing of you
Please do not give up on us
We promise that we will make you proud
Just give us a chance


A Natural Treasure

A Natural Treasure

By Lord R.e. Taylor


You fell to Earth long ago

All alone in a mighty forest

You grew as life changed around you

Creatures came and went

Other trees were born and wilted

But you always remained

Spreading your branches

Shading the world beneath you

You are nature’s cathedral

And long after we are dead and gone

You will remain in all your glory

A treasure in a limitless universe


Saturday, August 22, 2020

In The Mirror

In The Mirror

By Lord R.e. Taylor


When you look in the mirror

Do you see what you want to see

Or what the mirror wants you to see

Is it the truth or a lie

You must have the purest faith

Faith that it is you looking back

Maybe it is someone who is not real

Someone you only imagine you are

You may never know the truth

So, you look every morning

You just accept what you see

That is just the way you are

That is the way you should be

And there is nothing wrong with that


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Oh, Little One


Oh, Little One

By Lord R.e. Taylor


Oh, Little One

Please do not be sad

You cannot see your friends

Nor can you go outside

You know the sunshine misses you

Bur the world will not always be like this

Things are going to change

Become better for innocents like you

So, try to smile like you used to

Your time will come

And that Little One is a promise

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I’ll Always Love You

 I’ll Always Love You

By Lord R.e. Taylor


Ever since that night you left

I have cried so often

My eyes have dried

But I cannot stop loving you

I am not sure is that a blessing

Or is it a curse that I deserve

I do not know and I do not care

No matter what has happened

Or whatever may happen

You will always fill my heart

And you will always be in my mind

I will always love you

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A New Day

A New Day

By Lord R.e. Taylor


Wake to a new day

A new future

Created just for you

Take in the Sun's light

Smell the fresh air

Look at everything around you

Nothing you have ever experienced

The world is brand new

And it is all yours today and forever


Saturday, August 15, 2020

An Artist’s Needs

An Artist’s Needs

By Lord R.e. Taylor


It does not take much

Only a pencil

Or a pen and ink

Possibly some kind of color

An artist doesn’t need any more

In just a few days

Maybe just a couple of hours

They will create a magical world

They will give you a smile

And the artist won’t ask for much

Just like their picture

Tell them what you think of their work

That will always be just enough


The Death Of The U.S.A

The Death Of The U.S.A

By Lord R.e. Taylor


He was used to speaking

Saying whatever he thought

But that was so long ago

Before the country changed

Now, he had to watch what he said

Say only things which pleased others

And be gagged at additional times

Slowly it became worse and worse

Until the First Amendment was gone

Only then could everyone be happy

Except the man who could no longer speak

His tears flowed over his gag

Falling because his beloved U.S.A was dead

And there was no chance of bringing her back


Friday, August 14, 2020

Her Final Place

Her Final Place

By Lord R.e. Taylor


Normally she was so happy

Smiling when others cried

That was well before that day

Everyone she loved went away

Without a single word

For days she cried

But no one was there to help

Soon it got to be too much

Everything reminded her of them

Her life became endless torture

She knew of only one place

Far away from her life

The perfect place for her to hide

The perfect place for her to end

Alone, the same way she lived

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Twinkling Stars

Twinkling Stars

By Lord R.e. Taylor


Every night you look at the stars

You wonder if you are all alone

Or if the universe has more than just you

There are so many stars shining above

Their light fills your eyes

Their twinkling fills your heart

And you remember what your mum said

Every little, twinkling point of light

Everything that you see is soul long gone

And the clouds drifting by are tears

Cried by billions of people just like you

People who felt all alone

In a universe full of stars

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...