Monday, December 24, 2012

The Dark Side


The Dark Side

You want to know my mind
What I am thinking
Can you stand the darkness?
Will the demons scare you?
There are no prayers for hope
God would never tread these lands
What will you say of my twisted reality?
Is it because of drugs or alcohol?
Could it be the way I see life?
I know there is beauty in the world
I have heard so much about it
It’s hiding what you don’t want to see
Take a walk on the other side
See what I see
Dream what I dream
Let the words flow
Tell what you have seen
Take time to write a dark poem
Write of its beauty
Enjoy a world you have never known
Then return to your world
A world of flowers and bunnies
But know that darkness exists
And it is a part of your life

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Words

The Words

In the distance
I hear words of hope
Talking about love
Speaking of the end of war
Saying we are friends
We are brothers and sisters
We were born of God
Mother Nature was our mother
They do not want us to fight
The words echo through our being
Spoken by the wind
Shared by the animals and trees
The problem is we do not listen
We turn a deaf ear
Still the words keep repeating
Over and over again
Until the end of time
Then it will be too late
Our global family will be gone
No one left to listen
No one left to love

Saturday, December 22, 2012



Where did the balconies go?
Lovers can no longer read sonnets from below
Romantics can’t climb the vines to kiss their true love
Couples need a new way to elope
Romeo cannot woo his fair Juliet
Love is truly lacking inspiration
Where did all the balconies go?
I do not know but in today’s world
We need just one
Built for romantics and lovers
And the idea of love

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reflective Memories

Reflective Memories

The dark light of loneliness
Shining off of reflective memories
All of the saddest moments of my life
The times I wanted to die
The times I fought back for one more breath
Memories of my still birth so many years ago
My first lost love when I was only six
The dog my father had put down while I was at school
My mother's death when I needed her the most
Lies that people have to me to keep me quiet
If the universe would end tomorrow
If I would struggle for my last breath
I would have something to say
To let everyone how I felt about my life
I say just one line of three little words
Those would be “It's about time”
Then I could rest with the pain behind me
And it's about time

The End of Life

The End of Life

I have only a few minutes left
The end of the world is coming fast
Just ninety minutes
So little time to do what I wanted
Not enough to love a beautiful woman
Not enough to sing a song of peace
Not enough to have a really great meal
Not enough to be smarter than a fifth grader
Maybe not enough to drink enough to forget
It will be enough to confess my sins
To make make amends to any spirit I have offended
I will have enough time to look at the sky
To take the time to look at the stars so far away
So many planets
So many stars
So much life
Why are we the chosen ones
Given a warning of when we are going to die
Doesn't anyone else have a 12/21/12
It just ain't fair!

A Love Poem

A Love Poem

I have been writing for hours
Trying to find just the right words
I want to tell you of love
And how I feel about you
The night comes and then the morning
I know what I want to say
The right words just will not come
My finger strike the keys
Words appear on the screen
They are the perfect words
Written with all of the love I have
I look at them and smile
The computer flickers
The screen goes blank
My perfect words are gone
Lost somewhere in the universe
If only I would have hit save
If only

Thursday, December 13, 2012

One Second

One Second

One second
Not a lot of time
A mere speck in the universe
Enough time to fall in love
Too little time to get to know someone
Enough time to have an idea
Too little time for a second thought
Enough time to say the wrong thing
Too little time to take it back
Enough time for a single heartbeat
Too little time to live your life
Enough time to create a memory
Too little time to remember
Enough time to be born
Too little time become who you are
One second is such a short time
Almost unnoticed as it clicks by
Yet it can be so important
It is enough time to die
Too little time to be mourned
It is just one second
What does it really matter?

Friday, December 7, 2012

American Reality

American Reality

Is this the American dream?
Food lines around the block
Families run out of their homes
Tent cities destroyed and rebuilt
Children living in cars
People begging on the streets
The elderly digging for pennies
To find enough to buy their dinner
A nightly can of generic dog food
While the rich eat their prime cut filet
And sleep in nice soft beds
They take their billion dollar bonuses
Never looking around at real life
They pass the poor, the children and the elderly
Not even taking the time to look at them
We starve and struggle just to live
They live the American dream
We sit, pray and hope
For just a second of the American dream
Instead of living the American nightmare

Thursday, December 6, 2012



It has been so long
You left my life
I left yours
No tears
No good byes
One day neither of us were there
All that is left is a box
Not even wrapped with a ribbon
Notes that you sent me
Poems I never gave to you
A picture of the two of us
Taken the day we fell in love
But, all of it has turned to dust
Blown away be a passing breeze
It has been too long

The Deer

The Deer

Walking through the woods
Silently across the snow
Leaving a row of tracks
The man hides in a tree
Looking down into the forest
His eyes catch a faint motion
Down below a deer looks up
Their eyes meet for a second
A gun is leveled
A trigger is pulled
A bullet flies into the air
No more deer

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 22nd

December 22nd

I am not worried
There is nothing I can do to stop it
History says the world will end
It knows when it will happen
Yet, it doesn't know how life will end
Will it be from the wrath of God
A drastic change in the weather
Maybe man will cause it
After all we have tried for all of time
Guns and gases
Bombs made to destroy a planet
All offered by the gods of old
Created by man to kill his brother
If it happens I want to be the last to die
I want to say that the rotten bastards finally did it
Then take a gun and blow my head off
But I am not worried
I am not scared
I am sure that the sun will rise again
People will wake from their nervous sleep
And December 22nd will be just another day

Monday, December 3, 2012



Today is the day
A day to just chill
Learning to enjoy life
Without the stress of the day
A frosty can of cold beer
A chair positioned just the right way
With a sexy woman on my lap
And an old movie on AMC
The sun shines in the window
The day is so beautiful outside
Yet here I sit with nothing to do
Nowhere to go and all the time in the world
Today a day I have dreamed about
A day that will never come again
But who cares
Tomorrow is for all of the other stuff
Today is just for chilling
And I am going to enjoy it

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Will Never Know

I Will Never Know

I am just an old man
Living my life
More memories behind me
Fewer dreams before me
I have done things that seemed right
Things that I would never do again
Making love in forbidden ways
I remember every moment
Taste every flavor
Smell the wide variety of scents
Every sensation
All etched in my thoughts
Still my mind's eye is blind
It cannot see what I remember
Time has passed without mercy
Taking remnants of my life with it
The imagery has long since gone
I go on living without a past
Trying to resurrect a memory
A memory that my life has denied me
Maybe a memory I was not meant to remember
My mind's eye is blind
I will never know because it cannot see
Or maybe it will not see
I will never know

The Blue Flame

The Blue Flame

Laying alone in my bed
My past has become a blur
My future is still unknown
Memories are becoming fantasies
Fantasies are dying as they pass
I see myself burning in the bitter cold
A blue flame enveloping my body
Heat and cold in an unnatural blending
Yet the pain does not cause me discomfort
Instead a pleasant feeling encircles me
I do not understand what the flames are
I don't know who to thank
I will never know who to blame
I awake in the glow of the morning sun
All of my memories are gone
Shoved into a dark corner of my mind
Lost to decades of time
The flames shield me from a painful past
Hiding me from my lost loves
From the mistakes I made as a youth
They hide the things I may have said in haste
From the hatred I showed my fellow man
The flames burn as my protection
Protecting me from me
Allowing me to look to an unknown future
Without the painful images of my past

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Death's Rhythm

Death's Rhythm

Death beats a steady rhythm
Sounding loud within my chest
Starting at the time of conception
So strong and powerful
It counts down second by second
You try to really live your life
Doing things that make you happy
Finding the love that God gave you
No matter what you can do
No matter what you can say
You cannot plead your case
Death still beats a steady rhythm
All you can do is live for the moment
Ignore the steady pounding in your chest
Forget that time is short and precious
Live, love, enjoy what you are doing
Then when Death's rhythm stops
You can laugh in his face
Taunt him for eternity
Tell him that you lived a good life
That you have been happy
Tell him that you have made others happy
Then, as final words, tell him you are ready
You have no regrets
Then get your wings and enjoy eternity
Always remember that you lived
And that you had a good life
That is all you will ever need

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Red eyes glow as you walk through the forest
You search in the darkness
Looking for an innocent creature
Claws sharpened as you wait
You know what they can do
You know just where to strike
The creature doesn't suspect
It is just living its day
You wait
You strike
The battle lasts a mere moment
The creature is now among the dead
Creatures you have killed during your life
You stand tall
Full of your latest conquest
And after all is said and done
You will live to fight another day
But only when your eyes glow red
Until then sleep in the forest you control
And the land will be at peace

Shadow Of Fear

Shadow Of Fear

It follows me where ever I go
Nipping at my heels
It torments my body
Tortures my soul
I know it hides in the light
Coming out in the night
The perfect disguise
I face it down but I know
I know that it knows me too well
It knows my weaknesses
It knows what the world is truly like
It knows my feelings toward life
The shadow of fear is immortal
Haunting one and then another
Hunting for the weakest of us all
Yet it doesn't kill
It watches as we lose our minds
Terrified of even ourselves
Even when we are suicidal just watches
Pushing just one step further
Not letting us turn away from the pain
It takes me to the limit and beyond
And it just laughs

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My World

My World

Why do you want me to leave?
My comfort is the blackness
The demons claw at my feet
My ears echo the screams of a million souls
Fire is my bed at night
Sulfur is the smell of my garden
I never had a choice
My ideas scared you
Nightmares crept into your dreams
The thought of me scared you
Made you question your own reality
You drove me into Hell
Keeping me away from humanity
Keeping your existence safe from me
Saving the souls of your children
I am here watching you
Seeing everything you do
I will bide my time in my paradise
Burning with my thoughts simmering
When the time is right
Your faith shaken by questions and doubts
I will be there to take you by the hand
I will lead you into my world
You will see what the darkness offers
And your screams will join the others
I will just sit back and listen
You are in my world now!

The Aged Actress

The Aged Actress

She walks on stage
The people have all gone
The light have faded to black
Still she walks to center stage
Her eyes glisten in the light from the exit sign
Her looks have long since gone
Age has taken a bad toll on her
Yet, she remembers the days so long agao
She would take the stage
Singing and dancing
She owned the stage
To the audience she was their goddess
A beauty beyond what God could create
Now she stands before an empty house
No one wants to see her dance
No one wants to hear her sing
She is a has been no one cares about
Still she stands on the stage
And lives a life only in her memories
Memories that will soon fade
The star that she was flickers and dies
And she will be gone
Even from her own mind

I Am Human

I Am Human

My eyes shut for another night
Images flow across my eyes
Barely shadows they float by
Some grey clouds on the horizon
Birds fly by going nowhere
A stagnant lake lies before me
Not a single wave or ripple
The birds swoop and die before me
Dragons and demons tear the world apart
Leaving me in a world of complete dark
Screams of pain and terror
They fill the early moments of sleep
Somewhere pleasure comes from the suffering
I want to open my eyes
The terror holds them shut
Not allowing me a chance to escape
I can feel them tearing into my mind
I don't care what they do me
The world is one of my design
Scary and deadly to others
It is my home
It is where I choose to be
Alone and fighting an unseen enemy
Yet, knowing that I am immortal
I am a god in my world
The all powerful god of the underworld
I will reign until the sun rises so far away
And I change into a mortal human
With of their faults and foibles
I am human

The End

The End

The end is nearing
The final day is at hand
Time to be judged
Sent to Heaven
Sent to Hell
Did you life a good life?
Did you laugh with the sinners?
Did you cry with the saints?
Maybe you didn't care
You may have chosen to live life
Your choice could have been to hide
Living your life through an ancient book
Words meant to restrict life
Deciding for you how you should live
What you can say
Who you may or may not love
The judgment will be swift and final
You will not have the right to appeal
They just want to know one thing
Did you live a good life?
Did you laugh with the sinners?
Did you cry with the saints?
Maybe you just didn't care

Thursday, November 15, 2012



Standing at the West Virginia state line
Looking into the green mountains of Kentucky
Seeing a past that I would long to forget
Memories of moonshine and watermelon wine
Of a girl with a sweet Georgia accent
And the smell of magnolias in her hair
A house in a town of 300
Seven children sharing a single bed
They cuddle close for warmth from the winter cold
Reading by firelight late into the night
Coal dust covers everything I own
A world made up of just shades of gray
A life of sadness and depression
Their faces are black from coal dust
Their lungs filled with cancer
No one will mourn their deaths
Everything and everyone by the company
Even their souls are owned by the mines
People live and die never knowing better
Never looking out of their small town
Never seeing beyond the entrances to the mines
Their eyes tell of such suffering
Children starving and unable to learn
As their clothes fall apart and fall in the mud
No one knows of how they live
No one knows how they suffer
No one knows how they die
No one cares as long as the coal keeps coming
No one cares

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hero Cowboys

Hero Cowboys

The peaks of the Rocky Mountains
The  mighty rivers of the northwest
The epic wastelands of the south
The endless miles of grass in the east
Men wandered surviving them all
Horses were their only family
Their guns their only friends
Every hill could bring a new life
Every turn hides death from a piece of lead
Names like Gene, Roy, Tom and Audie
They lived every Saturday afternoon
Fighting in a small town’s saloon
Shooting the bad man in a gunfight
They never hurt an innocent
They lit up a dark movie screen
To millions of boys they were heroes
Always fighting for the power of right
They always got the girl in the end
Where have the western heroes gone
The ones who were faithful to their characters
Hollywood has moved on
They don’t make heroes any longer
They are only found in fifty year old reruns
If you are lucky enough to find them

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Mommie, I was born just hours ago
You looked at me
My eyes were barely open and could see your face
You were happy for a moment
Then your look changed to hatred
What could I have done in such a short time?
Was I that bad of a child that you despised me?
I know I cried
Calling for your love for just a moment
But you would not let me look into your eyes
Now, I lay into the cold winter's winds
There are no blankets to keep me warm
Rotting food surrounds me
I am too young to survive on it
I cry harder than I ever had before
Yet, no one hears me or no one cares
Half of my life I have been alone
Something no baby should ever feel
Tonight will be my first night
Tonight will be my last night
I never even had the chance to be held
Never had the chance to smile
Never had to chance to be love
I just have the chance to die

Monday, November 5, 2012

Life In The Jungle

Life In The Jungle

Walking through the jungle
It appears to be hell on Earth
Dark and humid it draws your soul
Snakes hang down from the trees
Hoping that someone wanders close
Spiders the size of cats live in the trees
Their venom poisonous enough to kill with one bite
Cats wander the jungle looking for their prey
Some died at the hands of the deadly paradise
Others wasted away trying to find their way out
Yet, there is a temptation to go walking
To see what the jungle has to offer
They forget that it is an alien world
A world humans are not welcome
They enter under their own risk
Some come back changed
Others are just unheard of again
Such is man's life in the jungle

Two Warrior Hearts

Two Warrior Hearts

Two warrior hearts
Beating separately
The sound is deafening
Telling all other hearts to stay away
They have been alone for so long
Fighting different battles
Under a dark moon they meet
The stars fade away as they get closer
Their beating is the same
Sounding as if they are just one heart
One heart wounds the other
The other hearts wounds the ffirst
Cutting a vein in each other's hands
The weaker heart beats even stronger
That night they shared the sting of blood
Such passion erupts without a word
The two hearts become one
They are united for all time
They are not married
They are bound by blood
A stronger bond cannot be found
A Klingon love is eternal
As it should be when two warrior heart meet

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lost In My Mind

Lost In My Mind

Lost in my own world
So hungry
So thirsty
Where are the animals?
Where is the water?
Where is the light?
There isn’t one star to guide me
The sky is full of faint lights
To far away to help me find my way
No hope of ever seeing the sun again
It is a world of black
My mind is making me do without
Maybe it wants to kill me
I do not know
I do not care
Let it bring starvation
Let my tongue swell with thirst
I will fight with my last breath
Struggling against my mind
I will not let it win
I cannot let it win
I am stronger than anything my mind can create
It can keep its barren world
It can keep the dry river beds
I will survive despite my mind
I will survive

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dying Dreams

Dying Dreams

My dreams are locked away
Hidden in the darkest room
No windows or doors
Not even a single crack
No chance for them to escape
No chance to ever be granted
And no one cares
No one even thinks of my dreams
Not one person cares
How could I ever had expected more
My dreams are just left to die
Alone and without light
Without any hope
Just dreams that have died
Just like a million others I have had
And a million other I have forgotten

Friday, October 26, 2012

Alone In The Night

Alone In The Night

Stand alone in the night
Listen to nothing
The pure sound of silence
Bathe in the light of a billion billion stars
So far away
Yet they look as if you could touch them
The moon rises from the horizon
A beautiful shade of amber
Let your imagination go
Allow it to run free
Hold you fears deep inside of you
Then and only then
If you can just believe
You will see the beauty of the night
The beauty hidden by the sun
Disguised by the warmth of the day
You will see the miracle God created



It is so hard knowing
Knowing that you know the time
Not the day, week or month
Just knowing that it is coming
Coming sooner than you expected
Years, months and days passed by
Sometimes seeming to last forever
Other times racing by until there is very little left
Still you take time to remember
Remembering everything you did
Forgetting a lot of it
Thee people you knew
The women who you loved
There are so many things left to do
So much life to be lived
Such a short time
If your life is measured in weeks
It is so hard knowing
Knowing how little time you have
Knowing that you are going to die
It is so hard knowing

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cold Air

Cold Air

North winds sweeping down
Ice covers the frozen land
Snow falls day and night

Sunday, October 21, 2012

When The Mind Goes

When The Mind Goes

It is sad when a mind goes
Trying to remember what has been forgotten
Are the memories real?
Are they something the mind has created?
Those people I should know
The things we may have done
It is so hard to tell what is real
It is sad when a mind goes

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Seasons Without Sun

Seasons Without Sunlight

The skies are so dark
Clouds block out the heavens
Day appears to be night
As the sun races past
The moon goes through its phases
Unseen and unnoticed
The darkness continues
Week after week
Month after month
The clouds drift by
A solid mass
Changing but always there
The coolness of autumn
The coldness of winter
Seasons without sunlight

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Under The Weeping Willow Tree

Under The Weeping Willow

I saw you when we were kids
Playing with blocks on the kindergarten floor
We grew up
You became a beauty
I became a geek
I never had the never had the nerve to talk to you
Then we met

Under the weeping willow down on the shores of the river
We met, we held hands and we kissed
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in happiness
We had found the love we both wanted

I proposed and we wed
Promising to share our lives from then on
Never to part
I saw the love in your eyes
The geek married the beauty
And the rest of our lives began

Under the weeping will down on the shores of the river
We shared our vows
The rings shined on our finger
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in happiness
We had found the forever we both wanted

Our baby was born on a summer day
The sun was warm and the breeze gentle
She was named willow
And she smiled at the sun shining through the leaves
She loves her mother and father
All the love in the world could be seen in her eyes

Under the weeping will down on the shores of the river
We were the perfect family
A beautiful little girl with a future of love ahead
She brought pure happiness into our lives
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in happiness
We had found the family we both wanted

That winter the love of my life died
She went to sleep
She answered God's call
All her prayers would be answered
I am sure that she was welcomed to Heaven
And given a beautiful pair of wings

Under the weeping will down on the shores of the river
I laid her body to rest
A beautiful love that will last forever
She is smiling because she was loved
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in sadness
The love of my life was gone

Sunday, October 14, 2012


demon blue black wings picture and wallpaper


Such evil
Hiding in plain sight
Hatred flowing free
It watches every movement
Listens to what is said
A demon from the bowels of Hell
It wants the world to burn
To destroy itself
Its eyes are burning skulls
Crying tears of putrid blood
Screaming in eternal torment
They watch as we suffer
That is what it was born for
Created by man
It is feared by its creator
It watches
It schemes
It sets man against his brother
Fighting war after war
Until man exists no more

Saturday, October 13, 2012



Colors, strands and beams
Arranged into a rainbow
Twisted around each other
They form a warped vision
Every piece large
Every piece small
Connected in an infinite web
Confusion and clarity
Chaos and order
All in one place
Spread across the Universe
It is seen in the mind
Conjured up in nightmares
Just a series of mathematical equations
Numbers in the right place at the right time
Creating such beauty

Friday, October 12, 2012

Losing History

Losing History

Buildings centuries old
Part of our history
They are who we are
They still echo with voices
Voices telling us who we were
Now, they are neglected
Left to rot under Summer rains
The art within is lost
The stories within the buildings are never told
The memories of who built them fade
They turn to dust as quickly as the buildings
Now is the time to save history
To let our childrens children know
That we had a glorious history
One to be remembered
Not left to fie and rot
They were always more than myths
For good or bad they have to know one thing
They were us

Wednesday, October 10, 2012



Doing 85 in a 35
Driving my daddy's El Camino
The engine roars like a hungry lion
A creature that would never be tamed
The wheels throw dust behind me
There is a redhead on the seat beside me
Daisy dukes and a halter top
Aphrodite has come to life
Her legs wrap around my stick shift
She takes it from first to fifth
Ever gaining speed on this country back road
Fence posts rush by in a blur
I can hear no sounds except the wheels
Tearing up the road as we fly over it
So many accidents on this road
So many people killed on “Dead Man's Curve”
What makes me think I can make it?
Is the chance worth the love of a girl?
Would I ever get a night with her
Or even a kiss?
The speedometer hits 110
The stars are no longer points of light in a distance sky
They begin whirling they are so beautiful
She moves closer tome
Her skin glistens in the light from the dashboard
Beads of moisture looks like a million diamonds
The song on the radio is pounding into my body
Building ecstasy far beyond what any boy should feel
Stopping would cause the feelings to wither and die
The faster we go the erotic she feels
Her every nerve controls her passion
Burning deep within her ivory skin
Bringing her to the edge of orgasm
The brakes lock
The tires squeal as she screams in passion
The motor dies with a bang
The wheels stop in total quiet
Then there is just silence
The silence was broken by her voice
She told me her name was Jackie
Then the door opened as she disappeared
Was she just in my mind?
An image conjured from my loneliness?
The motor died next to a tree
A white cross stood before me
Surrounded by dying flowers
One word was on the cross
It was faded because of the falling rain
It was a name
“Jackie” it said
Then I knew that she was gone

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Song Of An Angel

The Song Of An Angel

Standing in the bottom of the canyon
The sun beats down heating the rocks
The wind burns my skin as it blows by
There is not a cloud floating in the sky
Water turns to steam as I try to drink
The branches of dead trees build a roof
Brown shrubbery makes up my bed
A voice echoes through the chasm
Sweet and melodic it flows
The notes of a beautiful, unwritten song
So far out of place it makes me think
It makes me look through the branches into Heaven
An angel stands there
She is singing for me
Trying to give me hope in my hopelessness
Beckoning me to be at peace
To rest my tortured soul in her hands
I climb to her still hearing her song
Looking back I see my body
Torn and burned by only God knows what
I feel so sorry for the man below
My soul has found happiness in her song

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box

The skies rip apart

Filling with a hot white fire

The winds blow both hot and cold

Burning and freezing

Birds are replaced by black dragons

Smoking cinders fall like rain

Covering the ground below

Burying people as they run

The ancient gods rise up from the ashes

Full of vengeance and hate

Desiring peace they fight for humanity

What has caused the world such pain?

Pandora's Box has been opened

Hope has died a violent death

The last chance was taken from man

Rains will wash away the ash

The sky will heal

Man will survive

He always has

The gods will return from whence they came

But Pandora's Box will remain empty

Devoid of all hope

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Standing at the Gates of Heaven

Standing at the Gates of Heaven

Standing at the gates of Heaven
I look between the bars
Such a paradise just beyond
Kept out of my reach
I am only allowed to watch
Gargoyles block my way
Holding me back
They rip at my cloaks
Tearing them to shreds
Black angels sing my praises
Wrapping leather wings around me
Holding my breaths deep in my chest
They tear at my heart
Pulling my arteries from my chest
Drawing my blood onto the floor
They laugh at my unending pain
Enjoying the torture they inflict
I am drawn away to a hell of my own making
Watching eternity from a molten rock
From now until the end of days
Snakes and demons will be my only friends
Only existing in my private hell

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mother Nature's Canvas

Mother Nature's Canvas

Mother Nature's canvas
Endless blue sky
She waves her brush
Such beautiful strokes
Moved by her breathe
They drift across her canvas
Lit by the sun
They become a masterpiece
Even though they may try
No artist could ever paint such beauty
No picture could ever match her work
Mother Nature should be proud
The world below looks up in awe
She has created such perfection
Using just a brush and her breath
That is a miracle to be admired

Monday, October 1, 2012

Demon Sleep

Demon Sleep

Sleep is such an evil creature
Living in the dark
Creeping through the shadows
It hunts every human
Wrapping itself around an active mind
Its tendrils draw ideas away
Sapping a person's will to think
Sleep will tell your mind what to see
The ultimate pleasure of a sensual woman
Or a demon tearing your soul to pieces
Sleep has complete control
It will never leave
Every minute makes it stronger
It knows what you desire most
Sleep will only release you in the morning light
It will wait in the light
Watching you
Planning what it will do
When the sun sets and the moon rises
Sleep will return stronger than ever
And again you will be under its control

Sunday, September 30, 2012



Burning embers
The last remains of a mighty tree
Branches that reached for the sky
Leafs that shaded the ground below
They burn with a heat that man cannot understand
Slowly dying they spark and crackle
Flames still live within
Hidden from view they thrive
Fighting to get out
To be released into the heavens
The flames form the shape of a bird
Feathers stretching into infinity
Strong and yet fragile
It refuses to die
It struggles to stay alive
Wings reach toward the sky
Its body sways back and forth in the wind
Smoke rises from every breath it takes
Telling the spirits that it is returning
One last effort and the bird breaks free
The flames shoot into the sky
Burning everything it touches
It rises above the sight of mortal man
To a land where only the gods can survive
Beautiful beyond anything imagination could create
The phoenix has returned

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Desert Church

The Desert Church

The church down in the canyon
Always in the shadows
It is a place that even God has forgotten
Sand fills the aisle where brides used to walk
Rocks cover the alter where prayers were offered
Bats hang in the decaying rafters
The sacramental wine has long since turned to dust
And the holy water was drank by thirsty animals
So many people prayed and hoped in the pews
Just as many sins were forgiven
The desert winds reclaimed a place built by God
The prayers are lost in the blowing dust
Yet the bell rings throughout the day
Swung by the wings of an angel
Telling no one that the church is there
Letting no one know that God is still alive
And He is waiting for someone to notice
For someone to come to this church
For someone to pray
He is waiting for anyone

Starving America

Starving America

A crushing viper created by the rich
Its poison spreads through the country
Strangling the working class
Taking their jobs and shipping them away
Their children left to starve
Homes left empty as their shells rot away
Squatters scramble to find anywhere dry
Hungry people wander the streets looking for anything
Garbage cans become fancy restaurants
Spoiled and rotting food become gourmet meals
Anything to keep the body and soul alive
No one is safe from the viper's grasp
Doctors and businessmen move to tent cities
Babies are left in suitcases or killed
Better they die fast than face a living hell
Robberies and murders are common place
Violent fighting over a crust of bread
Hope died as the money faded away
Soup kitchens fill with hungry families
Everyone getting their one meal a day
The viper has struck
Grabbing America by the throat
Squeezing it to cut off its life
America will survive
The one percent will thrive
The rest of us...who knows?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Praise To The Gods

Praise To The Gods

Praise to thee Anubus
Praise to thee Ra
Praise to thee the gods of Egypt
Allow me to pass on my way
Allow me to enter the afterlife
I have lived a good life
I have suffered for your greatness
My heart is heavy with sadness
It will not pass your tests
The Field of Reeds is so close
I can smell the sweetness of the flowers
Please Anubus
Please Ra
My gods please forgive my sins
No one was hurt by me
I killed no one during my life
I stole not one crumb of bread
I pray to you immortal gods
Please allow me to pass
Allow me to rest
Allow my soul to live for all time
If you can find mercy in your hearts
I will praise you forever
My soul will be your temple
Praise to thee Anubus
Praise to thee Ra
Praise to thee the gods of Egypt

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



The tiniest of creatures
Born of dreams
They life in fantasies
Born with lacy wings
As sheer as a spring breeze
They make no sound
The creatures die as we grow
Logic takes over for fantasy
Fairies no longer have a place
Our lives have changed
Remember for one brief moment
Think back to when you were a child
Look at that flower growing in your yard
Look carefully through the eyes of innocence
A fairy will be there laughing and dancing
Leaping between the petals
All you have to do is shed reality
And see another world
A world that you forgot
All you have to do is look

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Woman On The Moon

The Woman On The Moon

Standing on the moon
She looks at the Earth
Her black hair rests on her shoulders
Her eyes are black as night
She stares at the horizon
Watching the Earth above
Circling the star in an endless orbit
So many people on that sphere
She sits alone
Do the people know what they do?
She cannot talk
She cannot scream to let them know
Their planet is dying
Maybe they don't know
Maybe they don't care
She cries without a sound
Her tears freeze on the barren ground
She watches that blue sphere
Traveling across her sky
And she is the only one who cares

Friday, September 21, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

Daddy's Little Girl

Yelling at a little girl
Her face should be smiles instead of tears
Her daddy screams at her without mercy
Kicks and hits follow
Pain and bruises
Broken bones and a broken spirit
Her love remains unbroken
She tries to be daddy's little sweetheart
Even as her skin hurts
Such a sweet little girl
Hope has been torn from her heart
Her eyes stare into space
Unseeing and uncaring
She waits for days, weeks and years
Just to hear her daddy;s voice
Not yelling as he usually does
She just wants to hear an I love you
But in her soul she knows it will never come
Just more pain and hurt
Such is the life of daddy's little girl

Thursday, September 20, 2012

They Will Survive

They Will Survive

A small tent village
Deep in a forest at the edge of town
Men, women and children
Scrounging for food
Eating stuff that other people threw away
The people were important at one time
They cured the sick and fed the hungry
They owned homes and fancy cars
They were rich, poor and middle class
They did nothing to cause this
All they did was live their lives
Scratching an existence for the families
The world changed in an instant
One after another jobs left to Mexico
The money dried up and the stores closed
No food, water or power
Their homes were taken by the bank
Left empty because all of the credit was gone
People migrated in ever growing herds
Looking for a miracle place
With food, water and power
Instead they found a tent and a forest
Tents hidden away from a condemning world
They will survive
Even with no help they will survive
They will survive

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...