Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Valley Of Memories

Valley Of Memories

When I was a child
A hillside was for running
Down the side to the creek in the valley
Then the long climb back to the top
Only to run down again and again
Then, when I became an adult
There was no more running
Just walks and picnics with the one I loved
Holding hands and talking all afternoon
Finally watching the sun set across the valley
Now, my brown hair has been replaced
By the silvery tints of age
I still go to that hillside
And I look at the flowers and feel the breeze
And I remember the times I had
The wind in my hair as I ran down
The exhaustion when I had to walk back up
And the love I felt when I told her I loved her
But those times are long gone
The hillside is still there
Waiting for the next child to run
The next lovers to kiss

And new memories to be made

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