Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wishful Drinking

Wishful Drinking
By Lord R.e. Taylor
My 400th piece of 2020

You broke his heart
That night when you left
He escaped to The Vermillion Minotaur
Finishing two bottles of rum
His sadness grew even deeper
Wishing for so many things
For you to return to him
He wished for you to love him again
And to be able to spend his life with you
His wishful drinking fell on deaf ears
He never saw you ever again
Every time he drank too much
He kept up his wishful drinking
Always wishing for you to return
Knowing they would never be granted


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Puppy Love

Puppy Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Okay, I know I’m cute
That’s why you picked me
You know I will be bad
But I really don’t mean to
So, please just love me
And I promise I will love you


Monday, December 28, 2020

We Need Their Help

We Need Their Help
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Maybe you are religious
Maybe you aren’t
But now is the time to pray
Not for any person
Not for any country
Just pray for the entire world
We are leaving the gates of hell
Where, while it was hard
We came out ever stronger
So ask your god or your prophet
Or ask the universe
Please, just ask someone
We need their help before it’s too late


From The First

From The First
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I remember the first time
The day I met you
When I looked into your eyes
I knew the was something special
That the fates had blessed me
The universe shared its magic
From that moment my heart
My soul and all that I am
They belong to only you

image by Martin Krystynek


The Past And The Future

The Past And The Future
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is a storm behind us
Lightning and thunder
The entire sky on fire
Before us is the unknown
Frightening each of us
Not giving any clues away
Still, we fear the terrors behind us
More than the ones possibly waiting for us
That is just the way humanity is


Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Kid’s World

A Kid’s World
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Let kids be kids
They know the world
Far beyond your dreams
Where magic is real
Fairies fly free in a beautiful wood
And their wishes come true
Know that you will never see it
That land is for children only
Because they are the ones who believe


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Holiday Blessings

Holiday Blessings
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Christmas has passed
Wrapping paper all over the floor
Needles sticking in bare feet
And a Turkey waits in the fridge
However, it is not over
The stores open the next day
Ready to have massive sales
While making millions in profits
So, put your manger away
Set your tree out for the garbagemen
Then, go shopping with a fortune
It will all soon disappear
Such is the blessing of the holidays


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Lost Treasures

Lost Treasures
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Generation after generation
We had to learn many things
Skills which allowed us to live
But that was an eternity away
They have faded away or died
Ancient skills cannot compete
The present is too technical
Television, smart phones, and the internet
Have taken the place of hand-made
Now our ancestor’s tools are curiosities
To be looked at and admired
Locked away behind glass
Nothing more, nothing less


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Night-time Torture

Night-time Torture
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Every night he went to bed
Just like his mama taught him
But, the nights had changed
They filled with sensations
Extreme emotions and experiences
Some good and some were bad
They all came for one reason
To stop him from falling asleep
His blessing came with the rising sun
The warm yellow light filled his room
And relaxed his mind
So, like the vampires of olden days
He slept the sleep of the dead
Waiting for the sun to set
Only then could he start his day


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Another Us

Another Us
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Maybe on another world
In another time
With another you
And another me
You would love me
The way I have loved you


Monday, December 21, 2020

Write Your Way

Write Your Way
By Lord R.e. Taylor

To my writing friends
I just wanted you to know
Now is the time
For you to let go
Don't think too hard
Or ask yourself why
Just sit down at your desk
Take your quill and give it a try
And if you manage to write a piece
Maybe one which truly offends
Do not worry about it much
I am sure you will still have your friends
And for those of them who said goodbye
At least you know in your heart
That you never wrote a lie


Sunday, December 20, 2020

My Black Room

 My Black Room
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Finally, a night in a black room
All light chased away
Or banished to another land
It is a place of total nothingness
And with the possibility of everything
There is only thing which decides
You have to make the choice
What do you want to experience?
Nothing or everything
It is all up to you


I Need Eggnog

I Need Eggnog
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I want a nice cold eggnog
Full of the best Bundaberg Rum
Not quite enough to pass out
Just enough to get a buzz on
Maybe forget that it is Summertime
Warm enough to roast meat on the porch
And the thought of snow is still six months
And two really big states away
The eggnog is the best of Christmas
So, I may just have two


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Loving The Real You

Loving The Real You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

God only made one of you
Not exactly perfect
But perfect for me
I see you just as you are
The real you free of being fake
My darling I would love you
No matter what your body looks like
What you have done in your youth
No matter what universe we were in
My heart is yours and maybe yours is mine



Friday, December 18, 2020

Go With It

Go With It
By Lord R,e, Taylor

So many worlds
Some real
Most aren't
How do you know
Why should you care
You can only live so long
With a mind like yours
Creating worlds and escapes
Just go with everything
See what is going to happen
Then look life in the eye
Yell as loud as you can “screw it" 
And just go on from there


Thursday, December 17, 2020

You Are With Me

You Are With Me
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We are worlds apart
And have been for eternity
You may never read this
Hell, you may never see it
I do hope you know one thing
You are my true and only muse
From my first word of my first poem
You have always been there with me
I am so thankful that my heart found you
Even after all this time and all the distance
It refuses to ever let you leave it
And that makes my life complete


Life Saving Ice Cream

Life Saving Ice Cream
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I have been dying
December is so hot
Beer will not really help
Neither will a quick swim
I need something colder
Frozen to be exact
But chocolate and vanilla ice cream
Just not quite right
A pint of rum raisin must be it
The one to save my life


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

He Always Tried

He Always Tried
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Ever since he was young
He was taught a single lesson
Never try too hard
Things are not worth the effort
He missed so many things
Some were important to him
But he remembered his lesson
He learned a lot as he grew up
Things were worth the effort
So, he started doing more things
Things he would never try before
Maybe he did not always succeed 
But he always tried


Monday, December 14, 2020

A Truth Or A Dream

A Truth Or A Dream
By Lord R.e. Taylor

An unknown world
Always green and warm
Breezes come and go
The scents of a million flowers
Fill every breath you take
Gentle rivers flow by
Teaming with exotic birds
Singing their own special songs
In the midst of all the beauty
A grass-covered mountain stands before you
With a giant royal castle on top
Such a beautiful sight hiding
Is this reality a truth
Or is it just a dream
You may never know
And you may not want to


The Best Chapter Ever

The Best Chapter Ever
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I want to write about my life
Every year a new chapter
Some happy and others sad
They all shaped me into me
One day started a whole new story
A chapter more beautiful that the others
A chapter which changed my life
The first page was the moment I met you
The chapter continued when we fell in love
It continues on until this very day
It was and always will be the best chapter ever
And that is all because of you


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas Can Be Different

Christmas Can Be Different
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Christmas day will come and go
A day of endless celebrations
Reindeer landing on every roof
And knee-deep snow filling your boots
In some lands it is so very different
Every shirt bearing a Christmas koala
Palm trees waving in a summer breeze
And sausages roasting on a seashore
It is oh so awfully hard to go from one to the other
Christmas was not meant to be a Summer holiday
Christmas may not be a true Winter holiday either
But Christmas is Christmas no matter what
So, enjoy and have a great day if you can

Merry Christmas 2020 everyone!!!


Saturday, December 12, 2020

It Will Never Be Allowed

It Will Never Be Allowed
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Let Winter come
Bring what it will
Cold and blizzards
Frigid ice covering the world
Creating a seemingly dead planet
Still life thrives just below the surface
Tiny animals scamper between grasses
Hiding in the filtered light
Fish swim in near frozen waters
With no actions from the waves above
Life cannot give up its hold
Winter will never own these lands
It just will never be allowed


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Wheel Of Colour

Wheel Of Colour
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Someone made a wheel
Coloured pencils touching tips
Already a beautiful sight
It will be so much more
Created by a loving heart
A landscape made by God Himself
A portrait of a woman beyond compare
Or even just the simplicity of a flower
All it takes it the touch of an artist
A child drawing their first picture or a master artist
To bring out the pencil’s true nature
And create a piece of beauty


Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...