Friday, February 28, 2020

My Little Girl, My Queen

My Little Girl, My Queen
By R.e. Taylor

My little girl
You were born under a magical star
Blessed by the gods
A princess born of a royal father
You will never have a silver spoon
We cannot raise you that way
You will be stronger than all others
Wiser than anyone could ever be
You will have the gift of compassion
And have endless love for all in your pride
The rest I promise I will teach you
My little girl I know that life will be hard
But someday you will be a queen
The queen that I know you can be


By R.e. Taylor

Every time I see you
There is something
You have it deep inside
It is always with you
Hidden yet easy to see
That is what I saw in you
The instant we met
I knew that I would love you
Not just today but tomorrow
And from then until forever
All because you are you
And to me you are perfect

© 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Dancing With The World

Dancing With The World
By R.e. Taylor

Even as a little girl
Everyone knew you could dance
You made the music yours
Showing true grace and emotion
No one knew all that you could do
Dancing in rhythm with Spring breezes
The music only found in nature
Music that only you can hear
You make the world look like a beautiful song
With the dancing flowers and grasses
You match their every move
Becoming one with the universe

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


By R.e. Taylor

Your name is Gisani
One of a kind
Born to be a king
Ruling all that you can see
Roar as loud as you can
Let it echo across the lands
Make your subject cower in fear
Know that nothing can harm you
Yet everything will respect you
Gisani you are a king, a warrior and a god
May your reign last long into the future
Your sovereignty be filled with honor
And your life be all you desire
You deserve no less

© Poem 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

God’s Church

God’s Church

By R.e. Taylor

A church doesn’t need stone or brick
It doesn't need stained glass
Nor an alter, pews, or a cross
It can be just a place of beauty
A tree that became a cathedral
Created and blessed by God
And welcoming to all who come
That is what a church could be
That is what a church should be
A place for everyone

© Poem 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Two Of Me

The Two Of Me
By R.e. Taylor

It was a long time ago
The middle of summer
On the day you said goodbye
The air suddenly turned cold
And I separated into two
With two minds and two hearts
One mind had all the memories we made
And one which held the love I had for you
I knew as long as you were gone
Never be able to be just one person again
So, today, tomorrow, or forever from now
You will be a part of me always and always
Waiting for the moment we are one once again

© 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

Friday, February 21, 2020

Romantic Ruins

Romantic Ruins
By R.e. Taylor

He knows the woman she is
Scary and dark
Loving the old and abandoned
She searches buildings for fun
Looking for ghosts and lost memories
Talking to them and learning their tales
Yes, she is just that kind
Different from everyone else
That is why he made a special decision
He found an old mansion
Left abandoned for a hundred years
That was where he married her
And there they became a couple
A couple which would last an eternity

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Let The Storm Come

Let The Storm Come
By R.e. Taylor

Let the storm come
I am waiting for it
The roaring thunder rolls
The lightning violently strikes
Destroying whatever it touches
And the winds tear the world apart
You need never fear a coming storm
For it knows of me and it fears me
It doesn’t matter how bad the storms get
I promise you with everything I am
That I will protect you from danger
And I will always be there for you
No matter what

© 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

Water Can Be A Vengeful Lady

Water Can Be A Vengeful Lady
By R.e. Taylor

Water is so beautiful
Giving life for billions of years
Helping new lands to be discovered
Providing us nearly unlimited food
Man has tried so hard to enslave her
Forcing her to do his bidding
However, she is a lady quick to anger
When she does, she shows her dominance
Killing everyone who does not respect her
But man does not learn the lesson
He keeps trying and she keeps telling us
Respect her and live to see tomorrow
Abuse her and you will see what she will do
And she promises you will not like it

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


By R.e. Taylor

Such beauty
Total elegance
Without stress
Just living its life
Just as should be lived
Peace beyond compare

Monday, February 17, 2020

The Lost House Of Magic

The Lost House Of Magic
By R.e. Taylor

Her mother told her stories
She learned them from her mother
They told about a house
Located in the darkest of woods
Hidden well away from normal life
It was a place of the purest magic
Witches, fairies, gnomes and sprites
They all lived with the four walls
Bringing the best of everything to the world
Making sure that children laughed
And that they played just a they were born to
Then belief in magic disappeared
The fading of magic wasn’t sudden
It took many generations but eventually it was gone
The creatures left and the house fell into ruin
A mere shell of what it had been for so long
Yet, it still stands in that dark forest
Just waiting for the day magic returns

The Four Seasons

The Four Seasons
By R.e. Taylor

I live in a place
There is no winter
And no autumn
Plants have their leaves
Flowers break into bloom
And birds sing in the trees
My whole world is green
With no hope of changing leaves
Sometimes I cry when I see it
How I miss the four seasons
And I don’t mean the 1960’s band

Our Place

Our Place
By R.e. Taylor

I don’t fit in this world
People irritate me
Hiding away would be best
But I know you and I love you
I want to be only with you forever
Maybe some isolated spot
With a tropical moon up above
And a dock to dangle our feet from
We could grow old there
And never notice time passing
If we had that dock below us
And the moon above us
Nothing else would ever matter

© 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Finding Perfection

Finding Perfection
By R.e. Taylor

For so many years I have searched
I guess it has been my whole life
Looking for the thing called perfection
It has been so hard to find
Always just outside of my grasp
That was until that cool summer morn
A mist was hanging out over the lake
And the light from the dawn was perfect
It was a scene that no one ever saw before
And I doubt that it will ever be seen again
I will say that it took a beauty to help me find it
I thank her for guiding me to it
And I will always love her for it

My Special Day

My Special Day
By R.e. Taylor

I wasn't drunk
I wasn't stoned either
It was just one of those days
The kind we all have
I woke up and didn't give a damn
My job could do without me
The kids were all in school
And, for once, I was free
Free to go deep-sea fishing
Drive down to Mexico for the day
Or just lay naked in the backyard
Enjoying the sun, the way God intended
Or maybe just do nothing at all
Wouldn't that just be the best day ever

© 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Very Special Girl

A Very Special Girl
By R.e. Taylor

I know a girl
I really do like her
Everyone says she’s crazy
Completely out of her head
Just because she doesn’t think like them
Or see things the way that they do
She is a free spirit who knows who she is
Her heart and soul are stronger than you
And her mind works as fast as light
But those are the things I love about her
I just hope one thing
She never starts being like you
That would be a loss the world could not afford

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Endless Ticking

Endless Ticking
By R.e. Taylor

Why doesn't the clock stop
It doesn’t matter how I am doing
If I am tired, drunk, or running late
It just keeps on ticking
Almost as if it can see me
And its tick-toc is it laughing at me
Laughing and cursing is all you hear
The thing is, I heard that man invented time
I cannot imagine why he would do that
Unless he had nowhere to go
And needed to find something to do
Something to fill the time

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Forest Creatures

Forest Creatures
By R.e. Taylor

It doesn’t matter how pretty it is
How many trees or flowers
Or how the air smells on a Spring day
Those are an illusion of safety
Created for you to enjoy as you walk
However, the illusion is fake
There are many creatures hiding there
Behind the lovely trees and under the flowers
They are waiting for you to walk by
So don’t stop to smell the roses
Don’t admire anything in the forest
Just keep walking and don’t look at them
If you don’t you will be safe
And the Sun will shine tomorrow
Just in time for another walk
Don’t worry the forest will still be there
Waiting just for you

Monday, February 10, 2020


By R.e. Taylor

We may be apart
Separate lands
Separate worlds
Maybe even separate times
My mind dreams of you
Every breath I take is for you
My heartbeats are all yours
No matter where we are
Or even when we are
It doesn’t make any difference
I will be yours

One Donut

One Donut
By R.e. Taylor

You know I love you
I really, truly do
You do like to tease though
Especially when you tried to hide them
But you weren’t very good
I saw them when you came home
Then they disappeared
I swear that I don’t want them all
Just one with milk will do
Only then will I not only love you
I will like you forever
And that is a lot to give
For just one glazed Krispy Kreme
But I think you are worth it

Friday, February 7, 2020

She Is Our Hero

She Is Our Hero
By R.e. Taylor

She began a thousand years ago
A speck of space dust
One which landed on a small planet
It created its own DNA
Causing a new life to begin
She became a warrior on her own
Dedicated to fighting the evils which followed him
Witches, warlords, demons and fallen angels
They were all she same to him
But for every one she destroyed
Another came to take its place
Each one created in she hearts of man
Today she still is fighting
Searching for those who would do harm
Protecting she innocents of her world
And she will continue she fight
Never stopping until all evil is gone
Even if it takes until the end of time
She will never quit and never up
She is a hero for everyone on her home
Even though no one knows her name
She will be here for us
And we are better for it

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...