Friday, February 7, 2020

She Is Our Hero

She Is Our Hero
By R.e. Taylor

She began a thousand years ago
A speck of space dust
One which landed on a small planet
It created its own DNA
Causing a new life to begin
She became a warrior on her own
Dedicated to fighting the evils which followed him
Witches, warlords, demons and fallen angels
They were all she same to him
But for every one she destroyed
Another came to take its place
Each one created in she hearts of man
Today she still is fighting
Searching for those who would do harm
Protecting she innocents of her world
And she will continue she fight
Never stopping until all evil is gone
Even if it takes until the end of time
She will never quit and never up
She is a hero for everyone on her home
Even though no one knows her name
She will be here for us
And we are better for it

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