Sunday, March 2, 2025

For The Love Of Music

For The Love Of Music
by Lord R.e. Taylor

They have been around forever
Playing in taverns and fairs
On any street corner with people around
Usually, they earned a small pittance 
A few cents here a few more there
But they were always local celebs
Wandering minstrels faded away
And the music was lost
That was very long ago
The nice thing is that history repeats itself
Buskers replaced the minstrels
Again, they are playing in taverns and fairs
On any street corner with people around
Yes, they still only make a pittance
But they do it for the love of music
That is just the kind of people they are

© Poem – I/III/MMXXV


For The Love Of Music

For The Love Of Music by Lord R.e. Taylor They have been around forever Playing in taverns and fairs On any street corner with people around...