Friday, January 24, 2020

Looking For Treasure

Looking For Treasure
By R.e. Taylor

I want to go out
Spend the day treasure hunting
No, I don’t need no map
Don’t need no “X” marks the spot
I will find it all on my own
I want to search the backstreets
The alleyways where no one goes
Maybe find an old bookstore
Not one of those mass-market stores
No neon light or organized shelves
I want books on the floor, on pine shelves
And someone who understand books
Their the ones who should be running the place
And I sure don’t want me no Stephen King
No Anne Rice or Dean Coontz
I want me some Douglas Adams, Louis L’Amour
And for sure some Agatha Christie
I will keep looking for that bookstore
Searching day and day for years
I know it’s there
It has to be
I just have to find it.

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